Ehlana and Ethan:
We’ve had a play day with a short rain
break this afternoon that we spent at the lab or archives. We were there for a couple of hours, but the
rain didn’t last that long; and now we’re about to head outside and set up our
tent for the night – and probably the rest of the week; since the weather is
supposed to be good until early next week.
That’s really all of the news we have for today, but we’re going to have
fun for the rest of the day – including with our camping; and we’re going to be
out at Quarry Lake tomorrow for a semi-official school play day. We’ll let you know how all of that goes for
us with the next report.
This has been a good day, if not
newsworthy, so we’ll get back to the fun now; and see what we can do about
making some news with our family and friends worth writing about tomorrow
night. ;^)
This is Ehlana and Ethan Proctor; live from
the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!