Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** All of your favorite Magi Masters will be staying close to home as we head into summer! For Cassie and Michael, while their work will continue from home too, they will also be helping their best friends with getting ready for their wedding and moving into their new home - along with all of the other adventures ahead of them with family and friends! You will not want to miss out on all of the fun as life in Witch Falls heats up right along with the summer weather; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - March 7, 2019


Game night at the Inn was the entertainment highlight of our day; which is likely a scary thought for most kids and teens in any big city in the country – or possibly the world.

Then again, many of them would be shocked to find out that games can actually be played without electronic devices – and even with other people in the room that aren’t just distracting you from playing the game to the best of your abilities!  I do play video games now and then – and then some; so I can relate.  I can also really enjoy quality play time with our family and friends; and highly-recommend it to anyone – especially when it can sometimes seem as though adults and kids lead completely-separate lives that only cross paths at meal time – if then.

Note to us – add in more friends and family fun time to the schedule for everyone after the Ascension of the Light! ;^)

I must be tired, since this update is starting out like this.  There also isn’t much news to write about, but we have had a long, busy day.  Ehlana and I had a couple of tests today to go along with the rest of our elementary academics – and I don’t mean that in a Sherlock Holmes sort of way.  We opted for lab and archives time after school; didn’t stay too-long because of game night; and then we had dinner at home with Mom and Dad before going on to the Inn for a couple of hours.  Dad still had work to do after winning the senior title with Mom for the week, so we studied and did a Magi lesson while in a time-phase so that we could get everything done and not be awake half the night while doing that; so it really has been the equivalent of a twenty-something-hours-long day for us.

Getting a normal night of sleep is still an option, though, so I’ll do that; and then get back to living another exciting day in my life so that I’ll have something to write about tomorrow night!

Ethan – out!


You’re right, Ethan – you must be tired!

I am too, and don’t want to get started on writing down any random musings; so I’ll just go with your report; call it a night; and get some sleep too.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!