Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's Christmastime again in Witch Falls! Our favorite Magi of the Light love sharing the joy and love of the season with everyone they love, so even when troubles around the world can seem overwhelming and impossible; there is always hope to be found in our favorite magical town. Feel free to take as much of that magical love and happiness with you as often as you can; so to do that... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cassie's Journal - September 10, 2012

The back-to-school transition is just about complete now that we’re into week two. While there are always some kids and teens needing a little more time to adjust from summer freedom to the daily grind of classes and homework; most of us are settling in, getting on with the work, and trying to have as much fun as we can while we do that.

I don’t have much particularly exciting to report from school today, but while I was busy playing Grade Seven student, one of the things I spent some time thinking a lot about was how different Magi students handle sports. Mom and I have both written about our own experiences, but there really isn’t all that much written about things like this in the archives. From what we’ve been told, there also aren’t any specific rules in place for the Magi in Witch Falls either – except that they’re - we’re – obviously not allowed to overtly use our Magi powers overtly.

What’s interesting to me is how the individual Magi handle dealing with that compared to how I do. For instance, in Rowen’s case, before meeting me, she didn’t really compete in sports despite the fact that she could easily have been one of the best in her class at everything. Her abilities don’t extend quite to the same level as mine do, but we do still need to hold back when we play baseball or during gym class – especially right now when so many of the other girls have a significant height and strength advantage.

The other kid and teen Magi pretty much run the range from not showing any above-average talent for sports to being among the best in the school. That alone is interesting when compared to the fact that every Magi hasn’t seemed to feel the same need to blend in when it comes to their academics. Every adult Magi is a top college graduate or student in their respective fields; and every Magi kid and teen is at or near the top of their class at school. I suppose it would bring too much unwanted attention to our little town to have every Magi collegian also be top college athletes, and doing that won’t be an option for me; but I can’t help but wonder how much fun it would be if we could all have some place to play where we could actually find out just how good we could be both with and without using our Magi gifts.

Getting to throw two-hundred mile-an-hour curve balls would be awesome, but then so would playing against someone who could then hit it too. The vampires in the Twilight movies wouldn’t have a chance against a Magi-powered team!

Getting back on topic, I’ve added some notes to our Magi Project archive; and will be studying this more. I think that the way we – Magi – deal with this sort of thing should change; or we should at least give the kids more guidance. I can tell you from experience that it’s not always easy to hold back and be less than you are; and I’m finding out that it’s even tougher to do when you’re heading into the teen years.

Moving along, I don’t really have any other school news, but music was the best class of the day – even though Mrs. Robinson had us working on basic music theory for nearly half of the lesson before continuing a rotation that would eventually have each of us trying out every instrument at least once. We found out that band practices are starting this week too, and though nobody in our class will be joining; this was the first time I actually paid much attention to the news, and Rowen and I are even thinking about sitting in on a couple of practices to find out what it’s like if Mrs. Robinson will let us.

After school, Rowen and I did the snack and daily re-cap with Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana. The twins are sure that they had a more exciting day than we did; and they’re probably right. Their new schedule started today, and the Magi lesson and morning play session with Naomi this morning was the highlight of their day so far. Naomi was going to start spending most Monday and Wednesday mornings with them; and starting this week, Ethan and Ehlana were going to spend Friday mornings with her at the KidZone daycare. That was going to be as much for Mom and for them; and she planned on using her morning off doing the major weekly grocery and supply shopping.

Snack and story time was followed by a homework session in the lounge for Rowen and me; and then we had time to ride our bikes and play at the park for about an hour before splitting up and going home for the night. We didn’t have any guests for dinner, and Ethan, Ehlana, and I liked having Mom and Dad to ourselves for a couple of hours; but Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne came over just as we finished cleaning up. Uncle Adam was doing a Healing lesson with Mom and me, and then Aunt Leanne was going to do some family business work with Mom after that.

Between that Healing lesson; helping with Ethan and Ehlana’s bedtime routine; and doing my own nightly computing, archive and language studies, and a long messaging chat with Rowen; I’ve been keeping busy. It’s going on one o’clock now; and time to get some sleep, so...

...say ‘goodnight, Cassie’.

“Goodnight, Cassie.”