There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home;
there’s no place like home!
Okay, that’d work better if we’d been leaving Kansas instead
of Arizona – and not returning to what most people would think of as Ozian if
they knew about the Magi in Witch Falls.
I am really glad to be home; in my bed; and snuggling with Mandy now
while doing a short version of my usual nightly computing.
I do miss the warm already.
Somewhere between Phoenix
and here we lost about fifty-five degrees of it; though to be fair, I’m sure
it’s not still in the nineties there right now either.
Backing up a bit, Mom, Dad, and I started out our last day
in Arizona
with what could be our last outdoor Tai Chi workout until spring. We followed that up with a light breakfast,
and then we went out to play for the morning.
For me, that included getting as much swimming out of my system as
possible; including one last splash while Mom and Grandma were making lunch. After that, it was time to pack up; do a long
round of goodbyes with Grandma, Grandpa, and some of their friends; and then
hit the road for the airport.
I won’t bore you with the details of rental returns and
luggage checks. We jumped through all of
the usual airport hurdles and annoyances; caught our flight; and I mostly
played on my computer while we were in the air.
We reversed the process at our ‘home’ airport, though that was a bit
easier without needing to rent a car or stand in security lines. Our only slowdown was with picking up our checked
luggage. Maybe UPS or FedEx should
consider an airport luggage service to help out with that. If the price was right, and you could still
get your bags delivered next-day; I think it’d be a hit!
The drive home wasn’t exciting, and though Ethan and Ehlana
had a little nap after a short telepathic question and answer chat; I stayed
awake and watched a movie from the back seat.
It was after midnight when we pulled into the driveway. Dad and I did most of the unloading while Mom
helped Ethan and Ehlana get changed and into their beds. All of the luggage made it upstairs, but
unpacking can mostly wait until tomorrow.
Mom, Dad, and I had bedtime drinks in the office while Dad took care of
a few things he wanted to have ready for work in the morning; but we were in
our rooms by one o’clock.
I’ve promised Mandy that we’ll be lights-out by one-thirty,
and I still need to do an email check; so I’m going to wrap this up now and
move on.
Say ‘goodnight, Cassie’.
“Goodnight, Cassie.”