Ethan and Ehlana:
Our final school day of the week and month has been pretty good, but the fun is just about to get started now that we’ve been set free for the weekend. We’re ending February with the warmest day of the year-so-far; and we’re topping out in the mid-sixties. Cassie and Michael are hosting a co-ed night with their six favorite teens; and we’re only home to grab our already-packed overnight bags before grabbing our bikes and heading over there. Naomi, Aiden, Sophia, and Aaron are going to meet us there; and then we’re hitting the trails for a bike ride that will likely include more friends and cousins. We’re really looking forward to all of the fun, but the stories will need to wait for a future update; since we really need to get going now so that we can enjoy the great weather for as long as we can! Stay tuned for those details while we get out there and live the adventures with some of our favorite people!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!