Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 17, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 14th Birthday, Aaron White!

Aaron’s party is our top news of the day, but Mom got home from her weekend away in Crystal Springs in time to share a fast food lunch with Aunt Leanne; and we had short visits with her before and after Aaron’s party.  Our school day was good with bonus birthday fun for Aaron first thing this morning and at lunch.  We don’t really think about it much, but he has some older friends from the football team; and they made time to offer their support – though timing at lunch was a bit suspicious when they happened to be around at the moment that Aaron was presented with boxes of Olde Bakery treats!

Ehlana and I stopped in at home for that first visit with Mom and to get ready for Aaron’s party; we met up with Naomi and Aiden before going on to Aaron’s house; and then we started out that adventure by helping his parents and other volunteers with the pre-dinner work while Aaron and Sophia took care of welcoming their guests and joining in on the social time, video gaming, and more.  We had fun with the work too, and while we don’t spend that much time with Aaron’s parents and sister; we do like them a lot.  Beth-Ann is also close with Leah and Hailey; so we cross paths with her through them – and the rest of their friends.  Beth-Ann didn’t opt for help from any friends for Aaron’s birthday, but then that’s changed for her since the start of co-ed parties – or possibly from the moment Sophia became his girlfriend.  We don’t have any doubts about our friends, but Beth-Ann would likely keep Sophia for a future sister whether she marries Aaron or not! ;^)

Moving along, dinner was a home-cooked event including for the two cakes; the dining room and kitchen were needed to have room for all of the dinner guests that included family and friends; and there weren’t any seriously-weird moments or games being played during the meal.  We joined the clean-up crew after Aaron opened his gifts and we had fun with the rest of the usual birthday fun; and then the evening entertainment included some music, more video gaming, and a movie before the party wrapped up and Aaron only kept Sophia with him for the rest of the night.  We helped with the last round of party clean-up before walking home; Ehlana and I walked Naomi and Aiden to their homes; and then we got home in time for that second visit with Mom just as she was packing up and ready to get some sleep after a long, busy four days of mostly kid-free adventures.  We could suggest that Mom didn’t have any stories that she could share with us from her trip, but while there were gaps in her stories; Mom and Dad did leave their hotel room regularly; they enjoyed a night out with the Malloys without the kids; an afternoon with the entire family; a handful of really good meals; some walks, shopping, and a movie; and a spa visit for Mom and Angela ahead of their date night.

Yes, that all added up to more fun than we had over the weekend, but it would be scary for the parents if that wasn’t true and we’d had more fun!

Since saying goodnight to Mom tonight, Ehlana and I have been busy with our twin chat recap that was mostly about Aaron’s party and our usual bedtime computing.  We’re not going to comment on any world news tonight because we want to stay happy; so we only need to cover the Cassie and Michael update before wrapping this up and heading for our beds.  They have mostly been in southern Mexico while taking their week-long vacation and then while working over the past few days, but they will start working their way north on Tuesday with single-day visits to three regions that will require a lot of travel and short stops for meetings and site visits.  We know they’ll get a lot done, but now we’re really just counting down the days until they get home – which will be very late Friday night or early Saturday morning depending on any travel issues.  We’ll keep you posted on their progress – or you can read all about their adventures in their journals or travel and work archives, but that is enough for tonight and we really want to get some sleep now; so we’re out of here and off to dreamland soon.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!