Ethan and Ehlana:
We’ve had another awesome family day, so we’re going to stick to the local stories; stay happy; and not comment on any ‘bad’ news of the day or weekend.
Our co-ed night with Naomi and Aiden last night was amazing from the dinner with Mom and Dad through to when we eventually crashed into nap mode after all of the music and movies play time that Mom and Dad joined in on for some of the fun. Having our best friends with us for Tai Chi and breakfast helped us to have a great start to our day; church and Sunday school was more-fun with Cassie and Michael back in town; and we especially-loved the stories that our younger cousins had from their night with Cassie and Michael.
Mom and Dad hosted a family-and-friends’ lunch for Cassie and Michael that we enjoyed even with all of the work; and then even Mother Nature seemed to be happy for us as we got to enjoy a sunny afternoon with a high nearing the mid-fifties! That had everything to do with us spending the afternoon playing and biking outdoors; Cassie and Michael played with all of the kids and teens for a couple of those hours and then spent the rest of the time with the rest of the adults; and then we all eventually went to the Inn for the late buffet.
That meal was another special gathering for Cassie and Michael that quite a few of the members of his family joined in on; and we should add that Cassie and Michael had also been helping out with Jake’s and Rebecca’s kids for most of the day after the church service. Ehlana and I helped out with a lot of the work at lunch and then with kid control through to after the buffet. Naomi and Aiden were with us for most of that work and fun; Sophia and Aaron joined in for part of the afternoon and then the buffet; and then we even helped out with getting the small gang of kids over to Cassie and Michael’s home after we left the Inn because by then they also had bonus next-gen cousins and toddler friends booked for their sleepover while those extra parents were very happy to get the unexpected kid-free time.
We didn’t get asked to spend the night to help out too, but we stayed long-enough to help with getting some of the kids ready for bed and then we headed out and left the bedtime stories and whatever else they were going to do to Cassie, Michael, and their happy gang of pre-schoolers. Ehlana stopped to say goodnight to Aiden in a mostly non-verbal way; I did the same with Naomi at her house; and then Ehlana collected me along the way for the rest of the walk back to our home. By then, Dad was already dealing with some work in the office; Mom did a short Magi lesson with us; and then we came upstairs for bath or Jacuzzi time. After the outdoor play time, we needed to get cleaned up; and we’ve been busy with the usual computer checks and twin chat wind-down to our day and weekend.
While we would have liked to have time for the travel report from Cassie and Michael, that didn’t happen again today; so we’ll have to try again sometime over the next few days – if they’ll have time for that with us. That is only for our own interest, since we don’t really need to be kept in that loop beyond any help we’re asked to contribute, but then we want to know everything there is to know; so that includes everything going on with our favorite people. Knowing everything about what is going on in the world is usually not good for us, but as I’ve already noted; we don’t want to get into bad news tonight – so we won’t go there. We can report that there are a bunch of new places in Central America that Cassie and Michael have left in better condition than before they visited; so we can be happy about those glimmers of hope that they are spreading a little at a time around the world.
That is a happy note to wrap up on, so that is all we have for tonight; and we’re out of here and off to dreamland soon.
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!