Ethan and Ehlana:
This is an early update without much news; since the best parts of our day are still ahead of us. The start of another warm-up began today, but it was still pretty cold this morning and stayed well-below freezing for the high we’re hovering around now. Mom, Ehlana, and I had a good start to our day with Tai Chi and a light breakfast; the academic adventures for Ehlana and I were fun; and we’re currently getting ready to host our four best friends for the night and a co-ed sleepover. While we were busy at school, Mom’s day included a last round of work at Cassie and Michael’s house – along with a bit of grocery shopping to stock the fridge and pantry with fresh food that will at least get them through the first few days of being home. Yes, Olde Bakery treats are waiting for them, and they are safe from us; since Mom picked up an order for our house too. We are also not going to play any jokes on Cassie and Michael – though pretending to be wrapping up a weeks-long party right before they get here has been tempting.
Cassie and Michael will not be home until sometime after midnight as of our most-recent update for their travel; and the rest of our adventure stories for today can wait for our next update; so stayed tuned for that while we move on and get back to having fun with our friends.
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!