Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 22, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Cassie and Michael are home!

That’s our top news of the day – though this is another afternoon report; so there might be better stories to write about by tomorrow night.

While our sister and brother-in-law were still on the way home, we wrapped up our school week with a dinner for eight that Dad got home in time for – thanks to the extra help he gets now from Anna Marie.  We should add that they have more business now with two lawyers in town and get that from customers in nearby towns – clients that Dad couldn’t take on before because he was either booked or there was potential for conflict of interest.  They don’t ever take opposing clients for anything serious, but being able to do that now does come in handy now and then – including when it comes to the real estate side of the business.

Mom and Dad eventually went over to the Carringtons for a few hours to hang out with some of our aunts, uncles, and their friends.  Aunt Leanne and Uncle Adam were hosting the friends’ night; Zack and Brianna entertained some cousins and their friends on the third floor and mostly stayed out of the way; and we opted to stay home with our four best friends and enjoy some music play time; a bit of video gaming; and a couple of movies that allowed for co-ed cuddling and quiet conversation.  Okay, Ehlana, the chat time had pauses during the loudest parts of the blowing stuff up, car chases, and fight scenes of the first movie.  Our favorite girls do still enjoy the occasional action or sci-fi flick, though, so you don’t really mind when the guys get to make a movie pick.  Mom and Dad were home by the end of the first movie because Dad was tired by then after a long eight days away.  They only checked in with us for a short visit before going to bed; and no details are wanted or will be offered in this journal about what they might have been doing between then and actually getting to sleep – though that idea alone puts some suspicion on just how exhausted our father actually was last night!

The six teens in the house lasted through the second movie; we eventually moved on to the co-ed nap time while listening to music that was conducive to the cuddling and happy drift toward dreamland; and then we were out for the handful of hours we had left until our normal wake-up call.

As mentioned, Cassie and Michael got home late, but they did at least have Mandy there to welcome them – though she didn’t seem interested in helping them out with unloading their car or any of the first round of work.  They did have a snack break with bakery treats for the humans in the house; and we’ve been advised that Mandy really needed to cuddle with them once they were ready for nap time.  While it was very tempting, we did not rush over there this morning as soon as we woke up.  Our morning started with indoor Tai Chi and a hot breakfast; Sophia and Aaron moved on after that to their own chores and play plans for the day; and Naomi and Aiden stayed with us and we worked together on chores at a total of five homes and cottages.  We kept going until out to-do lists were finished; had a late lunch with Mom and Dad; and then we headed out for our first visit with Cassie and Michael.

They’ve had a very busy day-so-far and will keep that going for the rest of the day too.  We had to share them while there as they had regular visitors dropping by all day – including while we were visiting.  This early edition of our report isn’t due to plans to spend the night with them either – Brianna and Faith got to them first; so Cassie and Michael are hosting a sleepover for our younger cousins; and we will likely have to wait until next weekend to do that with them and our best friends because they’re also booked to take on next-gen kids for tomorrow night while some of their parents are busy at the Inn, Pizzeria, or elsewhere if friends get invited along too.  We did have a nice, if hectic visit, though, and moved on once Brianna and Faith were the first to arrive for their dinner and play night with their favorite cousins!  Okay, they have more than two favorite cousins, but why let facts get in the way – especially when we all love Cassie and Michael a lot.

While we aren’t in on that sleepover, Ehlana and I are home now and getting ready to host another sleepover here – this time with Naomi and Aiden.  Sophia and Aaron have other plans that include some babysitting for Bassett cousins; and Aaron will likely just stay with her overnight.  Ehlana and I don’t write about this much, but co-ed sofa sleepovers are not becoming the norm with our friends – or really with most of the older teens either.  Yes, Sophia’s and Aaron’s parents have joined the club of semi-lenient parents, but Mom has helped with that; and there are important differences between the six of us and the rest of our friends that aren’t just about being Magi.

Naomi and Aiden will be catching up with us soon; so let’s wrap this up.  We aren’t going to get into any major news stories today – that can wait for tomorrow night.  Cassie and Michael couldn’t get into any major details about the work from their trip with so many visitors around all of the time; so we’ll try to do a re-cap tomorrow night – if we actually get any time to talk with them while they continue to be very popular with all of their favorite people.  We don’t have any major plans for tonight, but do expect to have fun with Mom, Dad, Naomi, and Aiden; so stay tuned for some or all of those stories with the next update while we get back to enjoying the adventures that are everyday life for twin junior Magi of the Light! ;^)

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!