Ethan and Ehlana:
Happy 81st Birthday, Grandma Aileen!
Thanks to splitting up last night for our respective sleepovers, the birthday vid-chat with Grandma needed to be a video conference call, but then we had that booked anyway with Cassie and Michael; so that wasn’t a big deal. The Drapers enjoyed getting in on that blast of breakfast fun; and it made for a happy start to our day. All of the ‘family’ grandparents are helping to make Grandma’s birthday amazing for her; and they all have the bonus of great weather with a high today that was around eighty degrees.
We can’t really complain about that here at home, since we topped sixty for our high today; and that’s also why we spent the afternoon biking the trails and playing with our friends and some cousins. Before we got to that play time, we had a good morning at church and Sunday school; Ehlana and I had a quick lunch with Mom and Dad; and then we met up with the gang of kids and teens for the afternoon with the weather having everything to do with why we didn’t play at the lab or archives instead. The great weather really was awesome and a nice break from the winter norms; and we enjoyed every minute of those outdoor adventures.
That brings us up to the dinner plans, which for us meant going home for a quiet dinner-for-four with Mom and Dad. We got home in-time to help with the cooking; enjoyed the food and chat time with our parents; and then our evening included a short Magi lesson; some time-phased office work; early bath or Jacuzzi time; and the bedtime computing and twin chat that we’re wrapping up now. We haven’t covered the rest of our news from last night, but instead of offering details about our respective co-ed sofa sleepovers, let’s just note that Ehlana had fun with Aiden and his family; Naomi and I loved a quieter evening with Mom and Dad; and the co-ed cuddling and nap time were highlights of the night for all teens involved!
Before we can call it a night, we do need to offer some commentary on world news and politics. We don’t think that there is much in the way of good news – though others would argue with us on that point. For Ehlana and me, though, it is about results for the important things; and we aren’t seeing improvements. First up, the tariffs imposed by President Trump this weekend hit friends and foes alike – though not equally; and economic warfare is not going to end well for anyone. Our new President also approved airstrikes in Somalia; and we apparently really do need to keep the never-ending wars going despite all of the political claims about ending wars and negotiating for peace. Yes, there are changes happening, but as we’ve mentioned in other journal entries, those new policies often are more about the theatre and political games with no positive impact on the most-important problems we have around the world.
We should stop before we take this commentary into rant mode. There is still a chance that some changes will happen for the better; and we should all hope for that outcome. Ehlana and I have had a really good weekend with a lot of love and happiness to take with us into dreamland; so we are going to do that right now while hoping that your ‘present’ is equally amazing!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!