Ethan and Ehlana:
After a few work days in a row, Ehlana and I couldn’t resist the sunny and warm weather anymore; and have had a play day with our family and friends since being set free from school for the day. Okay, we had a lot of fun at school too, but our studies and some bonus outdoor time didn’t really include any major news. The biking and park play with our friends was awesome, and while the high today didn’t quite hit sixty; it still practically felt like summer compared to the recent deep-freeze! Naomi and Aiden came home with us for dinner with Mom and Dad; we all went to the Inn for game night; and we loved those hours of playing with both our friends and many of our favorite adults. There were no championships for our family; that didn’t matter to us; and we were happy as we headed for our homes.
Ehlana and I collected Silkie on the way and walked our best friends to their homes. Silkie was happy to get multiple goodnight hugs and kisses; and the four teens involved were okay with keeping our goodnight kisses between our respective perfect matches! Mom decided to veto any work time or even a Magi lesson for us; bath or Jacuzzi time was needed after the play afternoon; and now we’re wrapping up the twin chat and computer checks. The world and political news never ends and there are always new or recycled stories, but the top news of the day included some seriously-warped information that we don’t really want to know and would prefer not to write about. Instead of doing that, let’s just state that there are a lot of disgusting, warped people in the world, and if you really want more details; search the current events archives for today’s date – though we’ll warn in advance that what you’ll find will disgust you. We don’t write much about entertainment news, but this time we will mention that Gene Hackman passed away sometime yesterday – along with his wife and dog; so while details haven’t been made public yet it sounds like some kind of problem at their home such as a gas leak. This wasn’t a story at school, and most of our friends don’t even know who this actor was, but we do; and he was in many well-known and classic movies. He was also ninety-five, but while we hope that he’s had a good life; it is still sad when a life ends sooner than maybe it should have happened naturally.
Let’s stop there; since we really want to take our own personal happiness along with us into dreamland. Considering some of the news from today, in addition to our usual hope that your day has been amazing too whenever your ‘now’ is; we also hope that your world is a much-nicer place to live. Too much of our world is messed up; and the job of changing that sometimes seems overwhelming. That won’t keep us from doing what we can to change that, so we’ll go and re-charge now; and get back to doing that in the morning!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!