Ethan and Ehlana:
This update is ahead of lunchtime because Ehlana and I will be split up for the rest of the day while she’s with Aiden and his family and I’m with Naomi and hers – though we may hang out together for parts of the afternoon. Naomi’s co-ed sleepover for six was awesome; we had a blast with her parents and our best friends; and Ehlana wants me to admit that I fell asleep early into the start of the second movie that was only for the teens in the house because I apparently inherited that ‘talent’ that I share with Cassie! Naomi teased me about that too, but we did get to have all of that extra co-ed cuddle time; and I was back at full-power this morning. I’ll also try to make that up to Naomi when we don’t have the extra teens in the room tonight; and probably won’t let you know how well that works out for us later!
As for our day-so-far, Tai Chi was a bit crowded while indoors; breakfast was an adventure that included a vid-chat with Cassie and Michael. They couldn’t exactly brag about early morning temperatures today, but compared to our sub-zero low; anything that was double-digit positive seemed great to us! Yes, they are working today too, but then they have a lot to get done as we all count down the days until they’ll be home again. The girls in the house had bonus dress-up fun as we all got ready for church and the guys took care of the breakfast clean-up; and then we had a happy morning at church with the service and Sunday school. There was a fair bit of teen talk that the girls led for the post-Valentine’s-Day stories, and while I didn’t get into trouble at all; babysitting a gang of kids with my Valentine on Friday and then falling asleep on her last night didn’t earn me any points either. Naomi loves me anyway; so I’ll be okay.
That brings us up to now. Ehlana and I are only home to repack overnight bags for our final sleepovers before Mom will get home sometime tomorrow. We’ve taken care of Mandy too, and she’s again opted for the peace and quiet here at home over staying elsewhere with us or one of our cousins. We don’t really even think about this for Mandy, but she will be fifteen this year, and while she is amazing; she is also not really interested in playing like a kitten anymore either. Long winter’s naps are an option for her; and we’re good with making sure that she has everything she needs while enjoying the quiet time.
We need to get going to meet up with our friends and their families for our respective lunches; so that’s all we have for today.
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!