Ethan and Ehlana:
Happy 24th Birthday, Cassie!
The highlight of our morning was the vid-chat we had with Cassie and Michael at breakfast. Grandma and Grandpa got in on that too; and we kept that digital visit going for nearly an hour; Cassie opened some gifts that Michael had kept with him from us; and they’ve been playing all day since then with sightseeing, fine dining, and some beach and water fun.
Our day hasn’t been that much fun, but we had a blast at the dance last night. After helping with the set-up, we ended up getting in on a Pizzeria pizza dinner order for most of the volunteers. The dance highlights included the two sets we ended up playing for our friends and the rest of the teens and chaperones. We had breaks for dancing and hanging out with our friends; and then we packed up after our last set and one more round of dancing so that we were ready when Dad came to pick us up and haul our gear home. The minivan was a bit crowded with six teens and the musical instruments, but we were glad to get home safely, since we were getting a bit of freezing rain and ice pellets by then and we were good with being home before the roads really started to get messy.
The dance didn’t really end early because of the weather, but most of the farm teens headed for their homes early too. While we didn’t stay to help with the clean-up, we still needed to haul our gear into the house; needed to get cleaned up after that; and it was past-midnight before we met up again for snacks, a movie, and quality co-ed cuddle time in the lounge. We were tired by then, but still stayed up late and started a second movie before we started to drop off to sleep. Naomi and I were last to get around to our nap time; we had more fun than the other two couples in the lounge; and details are not required for this journal!
We still got up in time for Tai Chi with Mom and Dad this morning; breakfast was pancakes and bacon in honor of Cassie’s special day; and we’ve already mentioned that the vid-chat during that meal was a highlight of our day. Our friends moved on to their own work and chores plans after the breakfast clean-up. Ehlana and I had a long list of chores to deal with a multiple homes – including for our grandparents and Cassie and Michael. We also picked up Mandy from Faith; and our favorite cat will be hanging out with us for the rest of Cassie and Michael’s trip. The work took pretty much all day except for the lunch break and a visit with some friends this afternoon, but then we all had extra work thanks to the overnight freezing rain and ice pellets. We didn’t actually get a lot of ice, but it did make the roads and sidewalks messy this morning; and we spread a fair bit of salt at each home we worked at; and the worst was cleared up by early afternoon.
After the dance last night, we decided not to do anything with our friends tonight – in-part because their families wanted some time with them this weekend when we’re all going to be busy next weekend. A quiet dinner with Mom and Dad worked for us; we spent some time with them in the living room to chat and just take it easy; and then bath or Jacuzzi time was early because we were ready to catch up on our sleep. That is what we’re going to do now, since we do still have a busy day ahead of us for Super Bowl Sunday and the game-watching party that Mom and Dad are hosting. Stay tuned for those stories; and we’ll wrap this up; crash and get some sleep starting right now.
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!