Ethan and Ehlana:
March didn’t roar in like a lion for us today, but waking up to the cold again after the warmest afternoon still felt like a shock; and it only warmed into the mid-forties for the high today. We had a lot of fun with the start of our day anyway with Cassie, Michael, and our four best friends – including indoor Tai Chi and a hot breakfast; and then we all moved on to a chores day or other work. For Ehlana and I, our chores were at home, two cottages, and Grandma and Grandpa’s house; we stopped for a late lunch with Mom and Dad; and then we play-worked at the lab or archives until dinnertime. While we might have had some play time had the weather been nicer; our friends ended up having plans with their own families instead – which is why we aren’t doing any co-ed sleepovers tonight. Dinner with Mom and Dad was nice; we took care of the clean-up; and then our evening included a Magi lesson; family business and charity work; and early bath or Jacuzzi time.
Now that we’re down to the bedtime computing and twin chat; getting some extra sleep is high on our to-do list, but before we go there; let’s cover the news from our night with Cassie and Michael. The biking on the trails eventually expanded to a fairly-large group, but we also stayed on the main trails; since most of the side-trails are not in good condition yet. There was playground time that we mostly did with some younger cousins and kids; and then we eventually enjoyed a Pizzeria pizza and sides dinner. The evening entertainment included live music play time; video gaming, and two movies; Cassie and Michael told us travel stories; and we definitely stayed up too late and needed some fatigue healing this morning. We loved the co-ed cuddle time and naps; so pretty much everything about our visit with Cassie and Michael was amazing.
It is tempting to wrap up this update with those happy thoughts, but before we call it a night; some world and political news needs to be commented on because there have been new problems. President Trump was very busy last week with a handful of meetings with other world leaders, and while most of them didn’t go well; the worst happened yesterday with a nasty confrontation between the president of Ukraine and our president and vice-president. We didn’t like anything about what happened in that press-covered meeting – other than it became obvious to everyone that the differences between the sides that want to continue the Ukraine war and our new administration’s policy to negotiate for peace even when that requires concessions and basically admitting defeat. We had doubts about getting peace; and that proved out as it became obvious that President Zelensky does not want peace – or at least what he wants in exchange for peace will never be accepted by Russia. We won’t try to predict what will happen next – especially when there are European countries offering to step up their support for Ukraine and even send troops, but there definitely won’t be peace as long as the Ukrainian people and their allies continue to fight while their country is destroyed. We don’t understand that at all – especially when Ukrainians are already looking at decades of hardship ahead to rebuild and that will only get worse as the destruction continues.
There are other stories in the news too, but the inter-governmental fighting is still more about theatre than actual results. The idea of making government smaller is very popular among most Americans, but how to get there and where to cut does create fighting points. Our favorite economist could tell our leaders how to solve their problems, but then there would be zero support for taking those steps; since the short-term hardships would need to hit pretty much everyone. That has Ehlana suggesting that Michael should go with us for the school trip to D.C.; so we’re going to wrap this up and have a bit of fun coming up with scenarios for arranging a meeting for him with President Trump. I didn’t include Cassie in that thought, and don’t want to go there either; since we know that Cassie got a lot of attention during her last visit to the Capital. No, we didn’t even joke about Cassie and Michael meeting with President Biden – and not only because he likely wouldn’t have remembered a visit from them within hours or days.
Cut that out, Ehlana! Now she’s teasing me about what might have been possible if they’d met him and Cassie had helped him out with a bit of Magi healing! If that twist is boggling your mind, have fun with all of the possibilities that might have changed history since their visit was months before the last election, and while you do that; we’ll go and get some sleep that I really, really want to get to now thanks to Ehlana!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!