Ethan and Ehlana:
Local weather is one of our news stories today. After starting the morning with near-freezing lows in the mid-thirties, it warmed up to near-sixty; and now we’re starting to get rain overnight with quite a bit of it in the forecast for tomorrow. We’ll take that over a snowstorm that would be measured in feet if it was going to be cold enough. The incoming rain had everything to do with why Ehlana and I chose to go biking on the trails with our friends after school because the trails might be too-wet to use for the rest of the week. Our academic adventures were good, but not newsworthy – though some people elsewhere in the country and world might have found our discussion about the political events of the past few days interesting. Okay, they’d also likely laugh and call us naive, but we chose to ignore the personalities and theatre; discuss the issues; and decide that negotiating for peace instead of provoking expanded war is what should be done – contrary to what most European leaders and the weapons industry want in pursuit of wealth and power.
We really didn’t want to get into a commentary on the most-recent round of political insanity; so let’s move on. We loved biking with our friends; some cousins met up with us and joined in on the fun; and then Ehlana and I came home on our own for an easy-meal dinner with Mom and Dad. We went to play-work at the lab after cleaning up from that meal; used time phasing to help with getting more done; and wrapped up by ten o’clock after the equivalent of about seven hours of work with our beakers or books. We did a little visit with Mom and Dad before coming up to our rooms; bath or Jacuzzi time was needed after the biking and park play; and now we’re hurrying through our computer checks because we’re getting tired and ready for some quality nap time. We’re happy with the work we got done tonight; feel good from the exercise and fun with our friends; and we are choosing to stay happy tonight despite the never-ending stupidity being led by most of the world leaders.
Ehlana just made a joke about how lucky we are that our little town isn’t at the center of major rare-earth or natural resources; or we’d be getting the same wrong kind of attention and exploitation by our governments. That’s funny and true, but then we likely really would have problems if our leaders knew about our Magi abilities! The world is already scary-enough thanks to all of the Dark Magi that are happy to use politicians and other powerful people for their own gains and purposes. We’d never help our leaders to do evil; and that would likely end badly for all of us if we were faced with that kind of fight. We do all know that is one of the reasons for why we hide from the rest of the world – though the action movies based on that kind of story could be awesome! ;^)
Okay, I’m obviously tired and need to sleep now; so that’s all for this report. Maybe your ‘now’ is enough better than those jokes are only quaint tidbits of history while you get to live openly with the rest of the world. That would be awesome for you – and for us if we’re still around to see that happen, and since that’s a fun thought to take along to dreamland; I’m going to try to go there right now.
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!