Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 28, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Our final school day of the week and month has been pretty good, but the fun is just about to get started now that we’ve been set free for the weekend.  We’re ending February with the warmest day of the year-so-far; and we’re topping out in the mid-sixties.  Cassie and Michael are hosting a co-ed night with their six favorite teens; and we’re only home to grab our already-packed overnight bags before grabbing our bikes and heading over there.  Naomi, Aiden, Sophia, and Aaron are going to meet us there; and then we’re hitting the trails for a bike ride that will likely include more friends and cousins.  We’re really looking forward to all of the fun, but the stories will need to wait for a future update; since we really need to get going now so that we can enjoy the great weather for as long as we can!  Stay tuned for those details while we get out there and live the adventures with some of our favorite people!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 27, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

After a few work days in a row, Ehlana and I couldn’t resist the sunny and warm weather anymore; and have had a play day with our family and friends since being set free from school for the day.  Okay, we had a lot of fun at school too, but our studies and some bonus outdoor time didn’t really include any major news.  The biking and park play with our friends was awesome, and while the high today didn’t quite hit sixty; it still practically felt like summer compared to the recent deep-freeze!  Naomi and Aiden came home with us for dinner with Mom and Dad; we all went to the Inn for game night; and we loved those hours of playing with both our friends and many of our favorite adults.  There were no championships for our family; that didn’t matter to us; and we were happy as we headed for our homes.

Ehlana and I collected Silkie on the way and walked our best friends to their homes.  Silkie was happy to get multiple goodnight hugs and kisses; and the four teens involved were okay with keeping our goodnight kisses between our respective perfect matches!  Mom decided to veto any work time or even a Magi lesson for us; bath or Jacuzzi time was needed after the play afternoon; and now we’re wrapping up the twin chat and computer checks.  The world and political news never ends and there are always new or recycled stories, but the top news of the day included some seriously-warped information that we don’t really want to know and would prefer not to write about.  Instead of doing that, let’s just state that there are a lot of disgusting, warped people in the world, and if you really want more details; search the current events archives for today’s date – though we’ll warn in advance that what you’ll find will disgust you.  We don’t write much about entertainment news, but this time we will mention that Gene Hackman passed away sometime yesterday – along with his wife and dog; so while details haven’t been made public yet it sounds like some kind of problem at their home such as a gas leak.  This wasn’t a story at school, and most of our friends don’t even know who this actor was, but we do; and he was in many well-known and classic movies.  He was also ninety-five, but while we hope that he’s had a good life; it is still sad when a life ends sooner than maybe it should have happened naturally.

Let’s stop there; since we really want to take our own personal happiness along with us into dreamland.  Considering some of the news from today, in addition to our usual hope that your day has been amazing too whenever your ‘now’ is; we also hope that your world is a much-nicer place to live.  Too much of our world is messed up; and the job of changing that sometimes seems overwhelming.  That won’t keep us from doing what we can to change that, so we’ll go and re-charge now; and get back to doing that in the morning!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 26, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

We are officially tired tonight; so this is going to be a quick report.  Our school day was good; we played at the lab or archives after school even though many of our friends went out to bike and play while the warm weather continues; and then we got home on-time for dinner with Mom and Dad.  That meal was a nice break; Ehlana and I cleaned up; and then our evening included time-phased work and a Magi lesson.  Mom had us wrap up by nine o’clock – including those extra Magi-powered hours; and we just finished with bath or Jacuzzi time.

That’s pretty much all there is to mention for our own adventures and we’re too-tired to get into any world news or political commentary tonight; so we’re out of here and off to dreamland soon.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 25, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

The high today topped sixty and it was sunny again; so Cassie and Michael continue to get teased or given credit for bringing the warm with them from Mexico.  We got to enjoy a bit of that weather while at school this afternoon, but the band practice kept us from going out to play with any of our friends.  We followed that up with an easy dinner with Mom and Dad; and then we headed for the lab or archives for an evening of work-play there.  Ehlana wants to take the blame for another late night, but while she really did want to keep a successful experiment going to conclusion; I was happy to stay and work with my books – and yes, I could have gone home earlier than she did.  Dad was sent to get us at eleven o’clock; stayed until Ehlana finished up at a bit after eleven-thirty; and we had a short visit with Mom and Dad before coming up to our rooms for late bath or Jacuzzi time.

Before we move on, Ehlana’s cancer research progress is astonishing; and I should mention more-often just how brilliant my twin is when it comes to taking science that is known to the next levels.  Yes, she has insights from her Magi gifts and our connection with God, but it is different from the rest of us in important ways.  To try and make that simple; she’s a genius artist in the medium of science.

It is getting late, and we did a longer update last night; so we are going to wrap this one up now.  While we didn’t have much play time with our friends today, we are very happy with the work we got done again; and we can always catch up on our sleep eventually – or use fatigue healing to keep going.  This feels like another late night in a row, but compared to what Cassie often did at our age with her work, studies, and learning languages; these are still early nights!  We are still ready to get some sleep, though, so that’s all for this report.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 24, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 12th Birthday, Robyn Johnson!

A family gift was sent and we know that the Carringtons did a breakfast vid-chat with our cousin, but the rest of her birthday fun was left up to her family and friends.  There was some talk today about the coming summer vacations for our cousins being interesting as the next group of kids are hitting the teen and tween years, but then we are also going to start losing the older teens that won’t be coming for longer stays due to summer jobs or impending college adventures.

Here at home, the warmer weather continues to be a news story with the high in the mid-fifties again, and we enjoyed some of that sunshine while at school or while walking to various destinations, but we also opted for the lab or archives work-play after school and then we had a future plans meeting with Mom, Dad, Cassie, Michael, and a handful of additional guests.  That meeting was the news highlight of our day; so let’s cover a few of those stories.

First up, Cassie and Michael had a successful trip for all of the work plans, but they also gathered a lot of information about activities in those countries related to the Hathorne and Thorne families and we are collectively making new plans to thwart their exploitative business ventures.  That will be a serious challenge; and we will need to be very careful not to lead any of them to us through the family businesses and charities when we do attempt offering better life-options and hope to local communities and people.  Cassie believes that the Hathornes are currently ‘winning’ most of their turf wars with the Thornes, but other than Mexico; most of the other Central American countries are small markets compared to the biggest countries in South America where the Thorne Empire is definitely in-charge.  Another trip to the region is already on their schedule – and it is not a coincidence that they want to return during the winter! ;^)

There isn’t any future plans news this year for our favorite campground, but they have done a lot over the past decade and more; so we can’t fault them for taking a break from the big new expenditures.  We do expect both our town and Quarry Lake to be busier this summer as the completed trails bring new tourists and campers; and we plan on biking with our friends too – if we don’t all get bogged down with summer jobs and other activities.  Here in town, the third bridge over the river will be completed by spring – probably ahead of the Easter weekend; and the green space park area between the ‘new’ section of town and the cottages should be ready for use by the end of May.  There might be a playground added there eventually, but for now, it will mostly be a picnic and play area with public access to the river and a dock that will be very popular with the cottage owners and guests that won’t have riverfront property.  We are taking a look at current business capacity again, but while the stores can get a bit busy during the summer; our future plans leaders are looking at seasonal options like a farmer’s market to add shopping opportunities without hurting any of the existing stores.  We like that idea too; so stay tuned for that possible addition to future summer adventures!

Ehlana and I don’t want to bore you with infrastructure details, but we should add that upgrades are planned for everything from water and sewage systems and treatment facilities to road projects and tech upgrades for the town and region connectivity.  For that last part, we don’t really think about having internet connections everywhere in town, but that isn’t the case for our farm-based friends and neighbors; so Rowen is in charge of the upgrade that will take those benefits out into the country and connect all of us.  Yes, there is a very good chance that our family business will supplement the costs; since that is why high speed internet is an issue in rural communities – the per-person expense.

There was a lot of information that we covered tonight, so we won’t try to cover everything, but we will add that Cassie and Michael will be closer to home for their next trip – as in working in our own country.  We all often spend too much time thinking about helping people in more need elsewhere in the world, but we have significant family business interests in our country; and there is just as much need to spread love and happiness and hope here.  They’ll be traveling from west-to-east for this trip and will stick to the southern-half of the country for the better weather; and no, we don’t get to go along even though we would love it and would learn more than we will in our school work.

That meeting rolled on until after eleven o’clock; we helped Mom with the clean-up after our guests headed for their homes; and it was past-midnight before we started our bedtime computer checks and twin chat.  This update is getting a bit long, but we shouldn’t skip yet another day for world news; so let’s cover some highlights.  Talk of peace in Ukraine continues while hundreds or thousands continue to die every day on the battlefields.  Opposing political forces might still derail a peace process, but if there isn’t a major change soon; there won’t be much left of Ukraine for future generations on either side.  One of the political stories from the weekend was the elections in Germany where conservative parties won and there will be a new chancellor soon, but that might not lead to significant change for regional politics – other than that the incoming leader is talking about becoming less-dependent on our country.  That’s likely a good idea for them, but we’ll see whether any serious changes actually happen – especially when it comes to things like our military bases in their country.  Tensions continue in the Middle East; and we’re especially-sickened by the horror stories coming out of Syria as that country becomes unlivable for the majority of the citizens.

Our national politics continues to be more about theatre than substance – though we would be as-interested as anyone else if we actually do get to have some serious truths set free by the new leaders of the three-letter agencies.  Okay, that might be bad if they have a file on Magi of the Light, but we would love to know the truth about aliens; various historical events; and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie-pop!  Yes, that last reference is seriously-dated; and I’ll take the blame for personally collecting more useless information than Ehlana does because I read a lot more.  No, that also was not an experiment that any recent Magi needed to try to get that answer; and yes, Ehlana could make that calculation, but won’t; since she’s advising me that the answer would be different pretty much every time due to factors ranging from temperature to tongue size and saliva volume and more.

I’m wishing that I hadn’t gone there! ;^)

Fortunately, it is also late and time to wrap this up.  We’ve had a good day if a bit busy and long; we’re feeling pretty good about our near and more-distant future; and we really hope that everything we’re working on now will help to make your ‘now’ amazing – whenever it is that you’re reading this in our future.  Stay tuned for our next report while we get some sleep and then get back to living those adventures.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!