Ethan and Ehlana:
We’ve had a busy day, but we are also tired now; so this is going to be a quick update.
There isn’t any news from our classes and lessons, so while we had fun; the best parts of our day happened while play-working at the lab or archives. After stopping in for a visit with Mom and Dad, we took picnic lunches along and stayed at the lab until a bit after nine o’clock. Time phasing was used to get more done; and Mom picked us up – mostly to keep us from working until later into the night. Since getting home, we did a bedtime visit with Mom and Dad that included a short Magi lesson; and now we’re wrapping up the twin chat and bedtime computing. Cassie and Michael have had a good day too with more fun than we had along with all of the work; and they are happy and well. We’re not going to cover any world or political news tonight, but the drama continues; and we may shock future readers if we ever get around to having happy news to report instead of more and never-ending bad news.
We want to head off to dreamland with happy thoughts, though, so that’s all for tonight!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!