Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 31, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 44th Birthday, Patrice Emerson!

We don’t have time for a full update today because we’re booked to babysit for the rest of the day so that many of our favorite adults can help Rowen’s Mom to celebrate her special day.  A lot of those parents are going to also get kid-free nights as a bonus, but we can offer our own details for today and the babysitting with our next report.  Right now, we need to finish getting ready to go over to the Carrington’s home because that’s where the babysitting is going to happen for Ehlana, Naomi, Aiden, and I; so we need to wrap this up.  Before we do that, I’ll also mention that Sophia and Aaron are babysitting tonight too – they’re just getting another group of Bassett kids and their friends and Sophia is hosting them at her house because we didn’t have enough room for all of them at one place.

The rest of our story really can wait for tomorrow, though, so we’re out of here and will soon be spending the rest of our day and month keeping up with a gang of kids.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 30, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

There are always never-ending news stories available to us to write about for current events, and we don’t cover the vast majority of them because that would be depressing and details are available elsewhere in the archives anyway.  We do want to begin this update with the news story out of Washington today about a mid-air collision between a passenger jet and an army helicopter.  There haven’t been any survivors found yet, and that is horrible, but it is getting more attention because the passengers included members of a junior figure skating team, members of their families, and coaches – including former world champions and Olympians pairs figure skaters.  We know that this news really isn’t as-important as other stories – especially in various war zones around the world where hundreds of people die every day, but we can’t help but take this story more-personally for various reasons – including the fact that Cassie and Michael could have been on a plane just like that one.  There also probably is no good excuse for this kind of mid-air collision with all of the technology we have now and the training that all pilots get before flying passenger jets or army helicopters.  The politics being tossed around related to this awful accident has often been disgusting; and we could really get into a rant about some of the reporting that has been abhorrent and proves the worst that most of us believe about legacy news media and reporters.  Let’s move on; since we really could rant about this all night.

Our academic adventures were good and again uneventful.  We brought our four best friends home with us for a study session, group Magi lesson, and a music practice.  They stayed for dinner and then we all went to the Inn for game night at the Inn.  We loved all of that fun with our family and friends; and I also get to report that Ehlana and Aiden won the junior gaming title for the week.  Ehlana is suggesting that Naomi and I could have won instead if we’d had less fun, but then I’m pretty sure that we won anyway – depending on the scoring system being used! ;^)

Ehlana and I came home from the Inn with Mom and Dad and didn’t have any company or extra walking to do because pretty much everyone drove to the Inn tonight.  Mom didn’t want us doing anything extra tonight, so bath or Jacuzzi time was next after just a short chat; and now Ehlana and I are winding down toward bedtime.  We don’t have any news from Cassie and Michael tonight; so that’s pretty much all we have for tonight anyway.  We want to recharge and be ready for the last school day of the week and month as well as the start of the weekend; so let’s just call it a night and get started on that nap time right now.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 29, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

We’ve had a busy day, but we are also tired now; so this is going to be a quick update.

There isn’t any news from our classes and lessons, so while we had fun; the best parts of our day happened while play-working at the lab or archives.  After stopping in for a visit with Mom and Dad, we took picnic lunches along and stayed at the lab until a bit after nine o’clock.  Time phasing was used to get more done; and Mom picked us up – mostly to keep us from working until later into the night.  Since getting home, we did a bedtime visit with Mom and Dad that included a short Magi lesson; and now we’re wrapping up the twin chat and bedtime computing.  Cassie and Michael have had a good day too with more fun than we had along with all of the work; and they are happy and well.  We’re not going to cover any world or political news tonight, but the drama continues; and we may shock future readers if we ever get around to having happy news to report instead of more and never-ending bad news.

We want to head off to dreamland with happy thoughts, though, so that’s all for tonight!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 28, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

We’ve had another happy, busy day; and don’t really have much to report that is newsworthy.  Our academic adventures were fun and uneventful; the school band practice went a bit long because we’re running out of time to get ready for the seniors’ Valentine’s Day luncheon and party; and then we brought our four best friends home with us for dinner and the evening.  We all loved that easy-meal with Mom and Dad; got our studying and a group Magi lesson out of the way after the clean-up; and had a music practice for Naomi and the Holiday Harmonies because we’ll be playing a set at the school dance and a couple of songs at that seniors’ luncheon.  We wrapped up with some teen chat and cuddle time in the lounge before our friends headed to their homes; and now we’re winding down toward nap time with the usual bedtime computing and twin chat fun.

That’s all we have for tonight, since we are happy and don’t want to mess with the good feelings by commenting on the never-ending stupidity around the world – so we won’t!  While we move on to getting some sleep; we hope that your ‘now’ has been happy and amazing too.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Monday, January 27, 2025

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 27, 2025


Ethan and Ehlana:

Cassie and Michael had an early start to their day, and after their flight to Honduras; they got right to work and have kept busy all day with business meetings, meals, one site visit, and a charity event that they are still attending as we write this update.  We’ve had a warmer high today here at home, but that still seems cold compared to the eighties that Cassie and Michael got to enjoy today and will get all week; and we are jealous!

Getting back to ‘normal’ again today isn’t exciting by comparison either, but we have had a good day; and feel pretty good about what we’ve accomplished – even if that isn’t as-amazing as Cassie and Michael’s adventures.  Our academic play time included starting new lesson modules; Ehlana and I play-worked at the lab or archives after school; and then we were home on-time for dinner with Mom and Dad.  The teens in the house took care of the clean-up; we all worked in the office tonight; and the family business and charity work will lead to helping a lot of people in a handful of countries.  Most of the support we worked on tonight is more about offering resources that will allow people to help themselves.

Mom let us work until ten-thirty, but we used time phasing too; so that has added up to a long day.  Ehlana and I have kept the computer checks to a minimum tonight, but then we caught up with most of the world and political news along the way with the office work.  The political theatre drama continues, but other than some comedy moments; we pretty much ignore the fluffy distractions and focus on issues that actually are important.  There haven’t actually been many changes happening that deal with the most-serious problems around the world; so there isn’t any good news to report.  We do hope for better this year; so let’s wrap this up; call it a night; and keep happy thoughts with us as we head off to dreamland.  If your ‘now’ is a world filled with love, joy, and peace as you’re reading our journals, and our happy thoughts helped to make that happen; you’re welcome! ;^)

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!