Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 2, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Congratulations, Jeremy and Kasey Fletcher – it’s a boy!

Welcome to your new family, Jeremiah Fletcher!

Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim are very happy for their college friends; gifts have been sent; and we’ll get to meet Jeremiah when they come for Rowen and Tim’s wedding.

Here at home, we’ve had a busy and hot day; and the triple-digit high made our ball practices a bit of a challenge – though we still loved the Pizzeria pizza picnic dinner with extra kids around for the food and park play time.  Jayden joined in on Ethan’s practice because they were short a player anyway; and he did pretty well even though he doesn’t play organized baseball at home.

As for the rest of our day since the last report, dinner last night was great; our evening included outdoor movies using our projector and the tarp-screen we use on the side of the storage barn that allowed for bonus co-ed cuddle time for the teens.  Camping was great too, but didn’t include any co-ed tents for us thanks to younger kids sharing our tents instead.  Quite a few parents were happy to get kid-free nights; so there were also some happy adults that we crossed paths with today.  We had a bigger gang for Tai Chi this morning; breakfast was a blast of busy-fun; and then many of us – the campers – were drafted for chores duties for the rest of the morning.

We did that work at a total of five homes; our late lunch was a picnic that we took to the park with a gang of cousins and friends; and then our afternoon play time included lots of swim time in the river to stay cool through until we needed to help out with dinner and then attend our practices.  Now we’re transitioning to the camping night and we’re probably going to have another outdoor movie; so we’re just about ready to get back to the fun after a mini clean-up and grabbing fresh gear for our camping.  There probably won’t be any co-ed camping again tonight, but since we stayed up late last night and might do that again; missing our favorite cuddle buddies during those few hours of nap time really isn’t a major issue.

We also have no reason to complain when life is generally so awesome, so we are going to digitally shut-up now and get back to the adventures with our family and friends.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!