Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 31, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Elliott and Nora!

We haven’t wrapped up our last day of July with party-rated fun so far, and that won’t be true for the rest of our day, but we have had a good day; so let’s get right to the latest news.

Thanks to the heat, we’ll pick the Pizzeria pizza food break over the baseball for the best part of our time at the park while the co-ed time with Naomi and Aiden after we got home again was definitely the best part of our day.  Details aren’t required – just as we are not going to write about any of our favorite parents and what they did with their kid-free nights either!  We did have some music practice fun; we watched a movie; and then we crashed and napped on the sectional sofa and caught up on our sleep.  Ethan and I still played at the lab or archives this morning after Tai Chi by the river and breakfast, but then we also wrapped up a bit early so that we could meet up with our friends and some cousins for a canoe trip to the whirlpool.  A picnic lunch went with us and we loved the time that we spent swimming and playing at the whirlpool.  Amazingly, I can report that all of the boys were actually playing nice all afternoon, and while that is true more-often for some of our friends; it was nice to get a break from Zack and Eli – especially when they usually want to impress the older guys in any group with their feats of pranks and jokes.  Let’s give the heat credit for that and be grateful; since we really do appreciate having a no-drama day.

We’re writing this update while getting cleaned up and ready for dinner with Mom and Dad, and the timing is because we’ll be busy with the usual co-ed ball practices at the park and then some babysitting that we’re booked for after that while some of the next-gen parents go to the pub for a couple of hours.  Ethan and I are then going to keep Naomi and Aiden for another co-ed sleepover; and have invited Sophia and Aaron to join us this time.  After the canoeing and the babysitting, we might not stay up very late tonight or have anything amazing to report from our teen time later, but that is all we have for this report – from here at home.

Cassie and Michael are winding down their third day in Italy, and while we haven’t mentioned it yet; we also aren’t really focused at all on the time change to Italy; and their travel details will be better to read about in their journals instead of second or third-hand from us.  An afternoon on the river also doesn’t come close to exotic sightseeing, but maybe we’ll be able to go on adventures like that once we’re a bit older too.

For now, we really just need to get going again; so that’s all for today.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 30, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 19th Anniversary, Philip and Liz Seager!

Ethan and I started our day with Tai Chi by the river with Mom and Dad, but then we got ready for the day and headed over to the Seagers to help Naomi out with making a special breakfast for her parents.  We took care of all of the work on either side of that meal; there were gifts for Ethan’s future parents-in-law; and then life went on as normal – which for Ethan and I meant another morning at the lab.  Naomi’s Mom did not take the day off from work, but she did have a shorter day; and there will be a special anniversary dinner happening soon that we won’t be in on while busy with our usual ball practices and Pizzeria pizza picnic dinner at the park.

We’ll be getting started on that soon, and you can probably guess on a first try that this update is early because we’ll have Naomi and Aiden here with us tonight while Naomi’s parents get a kid-free night for one of their gifts today!  Those stories can wait for tomorrow, but as for the rest of our news from today; Ethan and I had fun at the lab; we joined Naomi and Aiden in time to deliver a special lunch to the salon that her father joined us for – along with pretty much all of the women that were at the salon at the time.  After that blast of food fun, we were free to hang out with our friends, and since we’re getting another triple-digit high around here; we stayed near or in the river for a few hours through to now.  We’ve split up to get ready for the ball practices and pizza dinner, and Naomi and Aiden are packing overnight bags; so we need to move on before they get back here and we all need to head over to the park.

Before we get out of here and back to the ‘real’ world, let’s add that Cassie and Michael – and Rowen and Tim – are spending day two in Italy; they are working their way across the country with daily sightseeing of as many of the historical and natural wonders of the country as they can manage in a handful of days; and we have no doubt that they are having amazing adventures.  Since there have been some Magi-themed jokes about the four of them meeting with the Pope and offering some advice ahead of the coming ascension of the light, but while that is funny to think about; it won’t happen and probably wouldn’t do any good if Cassie did try to influence the man.  There have been volcano-related rumblings in the region, though, so maybe they’ll get the chance to change the world in other ways, and if they do get to try and use their Magi talents on volcanoes; Ethan and I will try not to be jealous! ;^)

Okay, now I’m obviously taking this update to the silly side of life, so that’s all for now; and we’re out of here and off to play at the park as soon as our best friends catch up with us.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 29, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 20th Birthday, Ben Norton!

While Cassie and Michael get top billing for family news today while they are beginning the first week of their adventures in Europe with a week in Italy; we’ve had a fairly-quiet day around here.  Thanks to some rain in the area; we were happy to spend the morning playing with our books or beakers at the lab.  Yes, we really do want to spend more time there while we can right now; so we would have been at the lab even if it had been sunny all day.  My research is plugging along slowly and that could get frustrating, but I do understand that is the nature of my work; and can be content with every tiny success while trying to learn from the experiments that fail.  Ethan’s books aren’t as annoying to him, but then he’s suited for the hours of tedium that go into overhauling millennia of information so that it will be more-useful to all of the Magi as we head into the future.

While we had fun this morning with our work-play, we also moved on to meet up with Naomi and Aiden in time to put a picnic lunch together and then head over to the park to meet up with some other friends to hang out there for most of the afternoon.  We had fun with our friends too, and while it was a bit on the hot side as the high topped triple-digits, we stayed cool with swims in the river and two ice cream snack breaks with treats we picked up from the Emporium.  It was tempting to set up another night with our friends, but we needed to do some family business and charity work tonight – along with a Magi lesson; so we were on our own when we went home in-time to help Mom with making dinner and then enjoying that meal with our parents.  The office work was good too and productive; we used a time phase to get more done without staying up half the night; and we’re not going to get into any details of our work because we’re happy and don’t want to mess that up with any of the bad thoughts that would come along with the news from around the world that continues to be awful in many of the places where we are trying our best to help the people that are most in need.

Let’s just be happy about what we are able to do; we’ll continue to hope for better into our future – and yours; and move on to some quality nap time starting right now!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 28, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

The biggest wedding of the summer – at least for our favorite people – has wrapped up; and we’re exhausted and ready for some quality nap time!  While Rowen, Tim, Cassie, and Michael are currently on their way to Italy and the first week of their honeymoon-anniversary vacation; we’re quickly winding down toward an early bedtime because we really do need the extra down time to get back to full power soon.  That’s also why we don’t have any overnight guests, since while we love all of the fun we have with our best friends; we do all need a break now and then – though I should add that Naomi wouldn’t actually have a problem with moving in with Ethan if she could make that happen now instead of starting the summer that Ethan and I head off to college! ;^)

Rowen and Tim’s wedding ceremony was amazing, and while we’ll still have happier memories of Cassie and Michael’s special day; we can admit that we had more fun last night at the reception with our dates – and that is entirely thanks to our age.  While the time together, dancing, and co-ed sleepovers parts of our night were all better and awesome too; let’s not go there and comment on other general highlights of the day.  The sanctuary was full for the ceremony, and that isn’t a surprise when basically everyone knows the Emerson and Landry clans and between them; they are also related to nearly every other family too.  We did not help with the music at the church, but our little group was drafted for some unplugged songs – including several that came after Cassie and Michael offered their musical services for Rowen and Tim’s first song at the start of the dance.  We handled the songs for the wedding party and two more as parents, family, and then everyone joined in; and then we offered a three-song set during a later break at around eleven o’clock.

This report is getting a bit disjointed, but backing up to the wedding dinner, we should mention that Jake and Stephanie catered the meal with the help of a small army of staff from the Inn and additional teens while the Inn was still busy with the usual summer weekend crowds.  That’s why the food was so amazing and we were able to enjoy everything even while we also helped out with getting younger kids fed and generally kept out of trouble and entertained with activity packs that are basically a standard now whenever Miranda and Stephanie are involved in the wedding preparations.

Our kid control duties still needed to be fit in around the music and our own date-related fun like dancing with Naomi or Aiden.  We didn’t need to keep doing that after our last ‘set’ of unplugged music, though, since all of the youngest kids were taken home or elsewhere as the party headed toward midnight and Rowen and Tim were getting ready to leave and head for their airport hotel – along with Cassie and Michael.  Heading to our beds might have been nice, but wasn’t an option for us; since we were on the crew for the post-party clean-up that didn’t even really get started until the last guests headed out at around two o’clock – with some of them being nudged along and given rides by designated drivers.  While there was still a lot of work left to do for today, the chores that couldn’t wait for morning took nearly two hours; and it was going on four o’clock by the time I went home with Aiden and Naomi took Ethan with her for our respective co-ed nap time.  Naomi might not tell the truth about that with anyone else to keep from messing with her reputation, but I can assure you that while napping with our favorite cuddle buddies is always great; nothing else more-interesting happened and we really did just sleep!

Moving along, after those too-short naps, we needed to be up early again; Aiden and I still went with a morning workout by the river; and then the four of us were on-duty again – this time to join the work crew at the Emerson’s house – along with Mom and Dad – that was for all of the visiting wedding guests.  That was a crazy blast of work and fun; most of us headed for the church in time for the service and Sunday school; and that hour and change was also one of the few breaks we’ve had today through to now.

Thanks to the forecast for thunderstorms in the afternoon, getting the Emerson’s back yard cleaned up and the pavilion taken down became a priority and work that we helped with, but then other than the cameo moments we took to eat at the barbeque lunch and then for a leftovers snack dinner; we’ve been working most of the time since then.  In addition to helping the crew that needed to get the pavilion down and packed up ahead of the rain, we also helped with hauling luggage for all of the outgoing guests; we cleaned cottages and homes after they left; ran loads of laundry at multiple locations; and generally added in some kid control help when needed – including when kids needed to be entertained indoors when bands of rain rolled through town along with a couple of quickly-passing thunderstorms.

Mom and Dad were on driving duty for trips to the airport, so we didn’t see them until they got home – in time for dinner for Mom and after that for Dad; since he got one of the final groups that had late-afternoon or early evening flights.  By then, we were down to continuing laundry work and final clean-ups at Cassie and Michael’s or Rowen and Tim’s houses, and by the time Dad checked in with us; we were getting close to being ready to go home with him.

We didn’t do that until Mom and Patricia and Tracey decided that everything was pretty much ready to close up the two homes while their owners were away and playing in Europe; and then we took Mandy with us and headed home after a last round of hugs and goodbyes with the rest of the work crew.  Mandy, by the way, will definitely spend time with our cousins too while Cassie and Michael are away, but she seems happy-enough to be here with us tonight; and will likely be cuddling with me; since she’s already taken over her favorite throw blanket on the end of my bed.

That is pretty much all we have for tonight.  It should be a bit quieter around here for the next week or two – and not just because four of our favorite young adults are away!  Ethan and I do want to try and spend more time at the lab or archives, though, and this might be the best chances for us to do that before we’ll be getting busier again the further we get into August.  Before we move on to nap time, I should also mention that we’ve already been razzed about the baseball game losses yesterday that were obviously our fault while choosing to go on our dates instead of playing in the games with our friends.  We will take the heat for those losses because we won’t be given a choice anyway, but let’s point out that the other teams had fewer players too because of the wedding.  Just for fun, I might think about offering an analysis of those games and the effects of losing Magi and non-Magi players, but while that idea is moderately-interesting; it doesn’t overcome my need for some quality sleep time.

We’ll keep you up-to-date with all of the latest as always and add in anything interesting we hear about from Cassie and Michael as they tour parts of Europe with their best friends, but that really is all for right now; crashing and napping is up next on our to-do list; and we are out of here and off to our beds to do that starting right now.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - July 27, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Congratulations, Rowen and Tim – you’re married!

Happy 5th Anniversary, Cassie and Michael!

As we’re writing this, Rowen and Tim aren’t married yet but will be this afternoon; and we’ll offer all of those highlights with our next update.  We haven’t been able to do much to celebrate Cassie and Michael’s special day either, but then there is going to be a big party tonight; and we can multi-task for the wedding and anniversary – a fact that Tim loves a lot for his future happiness that might annually-rely on remembering this date with help from Michael! ;^)

As for our day-so-far including the rest of the news from last night; we’ve been busy and had fun along with all of the work.  Yesterday, that included the afternoon work for setting up the reception pavilion at the Emerson’s; kid control help that was tested now and then by our younger cousins and some of their friends; our hair appointments at the salon or barber shop; and the evening entertainment that included the rehearsal that we didn’t attend while helping out with the kids and the party that followed through until Cassie and Michael split up the couple of honor by midnight.  Rowen and her bridal party are at her family home while the guys are at Cassie and Michael’s house.

Naomi is having fun joking about having more fun than any of those adult couples involved in that segregation thanks to her co-ed sleepover with Ethan at her house last night, and that might even be true, but Aiden and I are going to happily keep our mouths shut and leave that kind of fun to Naomi.  Ethan is sure to be doing extra blushing today because of that, but the grins suggest that the fun with his girlfriend is worth getting teased about it by family and friends.

Moving along, the usual wedding-day action has been going on around here this morning, and while Aiden and I exercised by the river with Mom and Dad this morning; Naomi and Aiden did their own thing in her back yard before we split up for breakfast with the boys helping Michael and the girls helping Cassie.  Now it is time to get cleaned up from the work and kid-control play time we’ve had this morning; we’ll help with getting the gang of kids fed; and then we’ll get ready for our dates in time for the wedding ceremony.  As we’ve mentioned; we’re going to miss our ball games this afternoon, but our teams will survive whether they win or lose; so we’re not really worried about that beyond the reality that there will be jokes and blame if our first losses of the season happen because we’re not playing today.  We should mention that Brianna and her team won their game this morning and we helped out with some cheer squad support when we could do that for a total of three innings; so we will still at least get one family baseball win today!  Before we move on, let’s also mention that the Carringtons hosted a camping night for some of our cousins and their friends last night and they’re going to keep that fun going tonight too, but that’s also partly because the boys wanted to be around the action at the Emersons’ place – and that’ll include for the reception tonight that only some of those kids will actually be at for the dinner and dance.

All of those details can wait for tomorrow too; so that’s all for this report and we’ll wrap this up now and get back to what will surely be the best adventures of our day from now until whenever we get around to some nap time whenever that happens after the reception and party clean-up!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!