Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - June 30, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

We’ve had another happy day with our family and friends; and now we’re winding down toward nap time without any campers or overnight guests because we decided on having the little break before getting started on what will likely be a few weeks of extra camping and sleepovers as we head into the holiday weekend and beyond to the annual summer vacations with our collective family cousins.

The highlights from the rest of our Saturday included the barbeque dinner; a play evening with our friends; and the co-ed sofa sleepover with our four best friends.  We stayed up too late; and then our Sunday started at the normal time with Tai Chi by the river and a hot breakfast.  The church service and Sunday school kept us busy for most of the rest of the morning; we split up for lunch; and then our afternoon included family-and-friends’ play time while enjoying a sunny and more-moderate weather day with the high only topping out at around seventy-seven degrees.  That worked great for biking the trails and park play time; and we spent less time swimming in the river – even though the temperature difference is closer compared to the hottest days.  While we’re currently attending a few too many Sunday buffets at the Inn in a row, that didn’t keep Mom and Dad from choosing that option again this week – and that was true for many of our favorite parents and their kids.  Naomi and Aiden were with us for that; and we helped out with younger cousins during that meal too while the adults got to have some kid-free food fun.

Ethan and I came home with Mom and Dad after we left the Inn; took care of a few chores; and did a Magi lesson with Mom before dealing with some charity work in the office.  Time phasing kept us from staying up half the night to do that work; bath or Jacuzzi time was ordered at ten o’clock; and now we’re just about ready to crash and nap because we’re tired and need to re-charge.  Thanks to the holiday being on Thursday this year, we only have a three-day work week and will be busy getting ready for the fun and our incoming guests; so that’s all for this final report for June; and we’ll hope that July will be even better for all of us as we get started on the next round of amazing summer and holiday adventures!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - June 29, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Let’s begin this update with political news to get it out of the way and then move on to our own stories.  Even in our little home town, the first Presidential debate of this election cycle.  If you’re bored, there is a current events section of our archives that you can go to for news reports; so we’re only going to offer our own teen perspective on the story.  We don’t care about the debate at all!  It doesn’t matter to us who won or lost or how badly the debate went for our current President.  That isn’t being thoughtless or careless – we simply know that it will make no real difference here in the real world to select either of these candidates; since they’re just puppets for the real power-holders in this country and the world.

Moving along, we had an awesome Friday, and while the chores were a bit tedious; we had a blast helping out around the new cottages and with keeping the younger kids entertained.  Uncle Blaine, Aunt Alison, and Jayden rolled into town early in the afternoon, so Jayden hung out with us too; and Susan joined us by the time we got around to the family barbeque dinner that Mom and Dad hosted.  Chris and Sadie are here too; and they are staying in Mom and Dad’s cottage and helping out with getting it furnished and set up while also working with Uncle Blaine on the builds-in-progress for both the cottages and the seniors’ community homes.  The Malloys are here too; and doing the same with their cottage and Uncle Terry’s work.

One change that is new is that the visiting kids and teens opted to stay in their new cottages last night – and tonight.  That’s why Ethan, Aiden, and I were at Naomi’s house for a co-ed sleepover last night without extra teens while Susan spent more of the evening with Jayden at his family cottage – though she didn’t stay for the night.  We were happy with that change because we weren’t needed to keep Valerie and Marcus entertained; and that could be an ongoing change because those cottages are very cool!  Then again, if Mom and Dad’s cottage doesn’t have occupants at any time this summer; Naomi has already offered to stay there with Ethan to take care of the place! ;^)

We need to move this along because we need to get back to the real world soon.  Our Saturday so far has been great; and baseball games have been the entertainment highlights while doing more work around the cottages come in next for the ‘what’ we’ve spent most of the day doing.  Tai Chi in Naomi’s back yard got our day off to a good start; and then we moved on after breakfast to catch parts of the morning ball games and mixing that with help at the cottages and kid control entertainment.  On the baseball front, all of ‘our’ teams won today – again; and we’re off to a great start this season.  Faith is getting extra attention for being so quiet while still leading her team to another win, and while we’re enjoying playing well too; Brianna is loving the chance to play with Leah and Hailey; and their team is proving to be very good and they won big today and cruised along through the last three innings.

Another family-and-friends’ barbeque dinner is up next and we need to go and help out now; so that’s all for this report.  Ethan and I will be hosting a teen co-ed night, so we are going to be busy for the rest of the day.  Stay tuned for those stories while we move on right now.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - June 28, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 24th Birthday, Joshua Parker!

Cassie and Michael will be helping out with Joshua’s birthday dinner and party later today, but Ethan and I will be totally out of the loop; so we’ll hope that he has an awesome day.

For us, our top news of the day is that the first cottages are finished and the new owners either have or soon will take official possession – including the cottage that Mom and Dad bought.  We’ll be checking them out later today, but this update is very early and we’re about to head outside for some chores while we have a break in the rain and can deal with the work that needs to get done today.  With that need to move on in mind; let’s only add that Ethan and I had a lot of fun last night with Naomi or Aiden respectively; and the co-ed time without our twin or other friends was awesome – more true for Ethan than me by at least a bit! ;^)

The rest of our news can wait for the next update, since we really do need to get work done before the next round of rain hits; and then we are going to be busy for the rest of the day between helping out with the cottages; some kid-control with younger kids; a handful of weekend guests; and whatever else we end up adding to the mix during the rest of the day.  Stay tuned for those stories while we get back to those adventures!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - June 27, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

We’re getting a cooler, rainy day here in our little corner of the world; so we’ve spent most of the day-so-far indoors; and now we’re getting ready for the rest of our day.  For Ethan, that will include hosting Naomi for dinner and beyond; and I’ll be heading over to Aiden’s house once I’m packed and ready to go.  Thanks to the rain, we play-worked at the lab all morning; had lunch with Mom and Dad; and then we mostly stayed indoors this afternoon and hung out with some friends.  The highlight for that time was a visit to the Galleria for some minor shopping and a snack break; and that is pretty much all we have for this report.

While we’ll be split up soon, Ethan and I are getting used to spending a bit of time apart now and then, and while that probably sounds strange to non-twins; that is an issue for us – even when those breaks also involve getting to spend time with Aiden or Naomi respectively.  It feels weird to comment on this, but there will be other Magi twins in the future with connections like Ethan and I have; so let’s also add that we do have some issues related to our connection to each other when it comes to what we can sense from each other when it comes to intimate relationships.  Details might be needed someday in the future, but for now; let’s just admit that there can be some awkward moments; we’ll deal with those issues as we go along from teen-rated romance toward what will develop as we become adults; and we will not ever turn our journals into x-rated reports on our lives! ;^)

Quit grinning like that, Ethan, and we are definitely too-young for either of us to take our thoughts down that mental side road; so don’t go there!  On that note; we are out of here; and we will not be doing anything for the rest of our day that would scare our parents – even though I do know that Ethan is still thinking about it while I am trying to think about anything else while ignoring what I sense from him!

Note to me in the future – do not help my brother out with that kind of verbal imagery while writing our journals.  Seriously, Ethan, we’re barely thirteen; right now we are too-close in physical proximity; and while I do know that Naomi is beautiful and have seen here without clothes on many occasions; I do not need or want your photographic memory pictures and videos transferred to me along with your very-different perceptio0ns!

Now that the added commentary is just making this moment worse for me while Ethan is trying to figure out whether to laugh or be embarrassed; I am just going to digitally shut-up now; finish packing my overnight bag; and escape – possibly before Naomi gets here and will want to know what is going on because of whatever she is likely sensing from us through her links.  That’ll be true for Aiden too, but he’s the least-likely of the four of us to ask about this sort of thing; so I’ll move on and enjoy the time with my boyfriend and his family.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - June 26, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 3rd Anniversary, Julian and Jillian!

They’re away on one of Julian’s tours, but gifts were sent along and we’re sure that he is having a happy day doing work that he loves with a small group of enthusiastic clients!

Our day hasn’t been that exciting, but we have had fun.  Tai Chi by the river with Mom and Dad was great; we had a standard work week breakfast; and then we worked on chores for the rest of the morning – again to get a jump on our weekend chores.  We mowed lawns and dealt with the gardening today; and will finish up the rest sometime before Saturday as long as we get some decent weather to do that.  The sun and hot weather worked for us today – especially after lunch when we played with our friends.  Biking the trails was a highlight, but with the high topping ninety; we also loved the swimming and canoeing; and Mom hosted the ice cream break that our friends and some cousins got in on too.  The canoeing included a short visit with Cassie and Michael, but they were busy today; so we didn’t stay for long.

Co-ed baseball and kid control was on-deck for us after dinner, but Ethan and I split up for that meal with Aiden staying with me and the dinner with had with Mom and Dad while Ethan was with Naomi and her family.  We were all at the park for the baseball and play time with the younger kids, and then while co-ed sleepovers were considered; we decided to save up for future opportunities and that’s why Ethan and I were on our own when we came home with Mom and Dad from the park.  Some family business and charity work kept us busy after that – along with a Magi lesson; we also did most of that work in a time phase; so we’ll still get to bed in decent time.  Bath or Jacuzzi time was fit in too; so that is also why we’re tired and pretty much ready to crash and nap now.

While wrapping this up, though, after having some time to consider one of the news stories going around right now; we want to mention the deal that has been made to release WikiLeaks’ founder, Julian Assange’s release from prison in England after more than five years there plus the seven years he spent confined to an embassy while being persecuted by various governments.  That entire story continues to make us sick, and while we are hopeful for any better chance he has for a future; we definitely do not have good feelings about every person involved in tormenting the man and his family and friends for the supposed crime of publishing truths about governments, their military, and some of the horrors they’ve committed in the past.  That is especially-true since none of those responsible for those crimes have ever been brought to justice for their actions while all of the truth tellers involved were targeted, tortured, and worse.

News flash to all of those people – we know for sure that you will be judged one day; and we’ll pray that it won’t be too late for your salvation when that day comes.

I’m done with that little rant and we really do want to sleep now; so we’re out of here.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!