Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - August 8, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

The post-chores dinner at Sophia’s house was great; our kid-control adventures at the park during the co-ed ball practices led to some minor babysitting around and in our tents after the playground and swimming fun; and we had a total of nine extra campers with us by the time we eventually had most of those next-gen kids get picked up by parents or others and we got around to some quality nap time that didn’t include any co-ed tents – that any of us are going to admit to having for part or all of the nap time last night. ;^)

After Tai Chi and breakfast, we packed up our tents and gear; Ethan and I eventually made it to the lab or archives for some work-play; and we stayed there a bit late and didn’t have lunch at home until around one-thirty.  That didn’t leave us a lot of time to play with our friends this afternoon, but we were ready for a lazy few play hours in the back yard and in or on the river; so that was okay – if not very adventurous.  While another night with our friends would have been great, Ethan and I needed to do some family business and charity work tonight, so we said goodbye to our friends in time to help Mom with making dinner; enjoyed that meal with Mom and Dad; and then we’ve spent most of the evening working in the office.  Mom did a Magi lesson with us too, and thanks to a time phase; we put the extra hours in without staying up all night.  There was even time for bath or Jacuzzi breaks for all of us; and let’s not comment on how that might have happened for four people with only three tubs!  Ethan and I are ready to get some sleep now, so while a world news rant is tempting; we won’t go there tonight; and just wrap this up and go get some well-deserved sleep.


Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim aren’t just in Europe for a vacation.  Today they visited the United Kingdom’s Dark Magi Master, Grant Stryker, at his home nearest to his corporate headquarters; where they eventually worked together to defeat him in what apparently was an epic battle of Magi power that not only left Grant Stryker powerless, but also left that home in ruins.  We talked with Cassie and Michael earlier tonight and got the basics, but we’ll leave the details for their journals instead of repeating everything second-hand.  Cassie is sure that Grant never suspected that he was up against four Magi, but then he also won’t remember what happened anyway; so that doesn’t matter.

In addition to defeating Mr. Stryker, Cassie also gained information from him that included passwords to get into the Stryker computer systems, and Mom has already sued that access to set up her own, permanent connections along with also starting to sift through all of the information so that we’ll be able to counter all of the bad they’ll continue to do in the future.  We know that will happen, since while Cassie has taken out the worst and most-dangerous member of the Stryker family, we also know that Grant and his wife have two young children, and while we will treat them the same way we deal with Gwyneth; it is also a safe bet that one or both of them are just as dangerous as the Hathornes.  As with Gwyneth, we’re a bit worried about the risks to the kids from other Dark Magi families with their father left powerless, but if they handle it right; nobody else needs to find out what happened to their father anytime soon – or at least until they are able to defend themselves.

Sure, by the time that happens, we’ll likely need to deal with them instead, but we’ll still pick our plans for defeating the Dark Magi over how they choose to fight each other to the death.  Whatever happens, we’ll be keeping track of the Stryker family, and while we don’t expect it; we’ll also hope for the best for them while doing whatever we can to stop them from doing their worst.

While we don’t want to get into the details of the fight, we do need to mention that Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim each suffered some minor injuries, and while Cassie judged that she was a power-match for Grant or maybe a bit stronger; she is also still sure that they wouldn’t have won without the help from Michael and their best friends.  That is entirely because our methods for leaving a Dark Magi Master powerless takes a lot of power that wouldn’t leave enough left for defense against a power-equal.  They also needed to deal with protecting and saving the house staff and other Stryker employees during and in the aftermath of the fight; so they were all fairly-tired by the time they were able to head back to their hotel for the rest of the night.  Cassie and Michael still healed themselves and their friends before splitting up for the rest of their night – which is almost over now as we’re writing this; so they were exhausted by bedtime.  That’s why they were planning on using an empathic cocoon for themselves when they went to sleep after our vid-chat; and we’re sure that they will be back to full-power by the time they get up for their Friday soon.

That’s enough for that story for now.  We’ll offer more if needed, but then if you, future readers, are interested; there will be an archive for the Stryker family now that you can read about if you have this level of access – just as we already have for the other Dark Magi families that Cassie and Michael have fought against so far and will continue to do in the future.


Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!