Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - May 8, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

We are winding down from another busy day, and are happy thanks to what has mostly been a play day with great weather and a lot of fun with our family and friends.  Before we get to that part of our story, though, let’s rewind and cover the rest of our news from yesterday.

After heading to the park, we joined in on the baseball-watching fun on the sidelines while they practices for some of our cousins started up at five-thirty.  Ethan was one of the draftees that helped with the Pizzeria pizza pickup; most of the teens and tweens helped with kid control along with eating our own meals and then we were busy with our own practices.  Mom and Dad are coaching our teams again this year; so we really love getting to have that time with them – and with our friends.

Our real adventures started when we headed home from the park and got to work on a major babysitting event.  We had most of our younger cousins and some of their friends with us and a small gang of next-gen kids too.  There was parental support while getting home, but then the adults split up to get ready to go out, and once Mom and Dad were ready; they headed out to the pub to meet up with their friends and everyone else gathering to celebrate Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne’s anniversary.  In a town like ours, you won’t be surprised to find out that there were jokes related to the thirteenth anniversary, but we can also assure you that our aunt and uncle did not need to worry about any bad luck risks; and we are not going to comment on Aunt Leanne’s joke about that number and her kid-free night!  I definitely sometimes wish that my hearing and memory weren’t so amazing at moments like that one!

Moving along, we definitely had a very busy night keeping up with the kids – even when the youngest went to sleep fairly-quickly.  The lounge was gaming central for the boys; the girls were in my room or the living room; and we – the babysitters – ran ourselves ragged keeping up.  I should also mention that Sophia and Aaron were added to our crew while at the park tonight – mostly because Sophia had next-gen cousins added to the gang we were watching.  That worked for us, and thanks to a full house of guest rooms; the babysitters also took over the lounge for a short co-ed sofa sleepover after Mom and Dad got home and we had all of the kids in beds and mostly sleeping.  Mom and Dad were among the last parents to get home because they were also designated drivers for their friends; so we all only managed to have naps by the time we did get around to sleeping.

We were then up very early with the first next-gen kids; we multi-tasked taking care of them with Tai Chi and then getting everyone fed and ready for school or work or whatever else they youngest kids were doing today.  Parental support was available, so the dining room, kitchen, and sunroom were all needed to have room for everyone even while we took turns getting ready for the day.  We eventually all managed to get going to school or wherever; and then Ethan and I had a pretty good round of academic adventures that included bonus outdoor time.  Thanks to the nice weather with the high in the mid-seventies, we played and biked with our friends after school; Naomi and Aiden were with us for dinner at home; and then we were at the park for the evening co-ed ball practices so that we could help out with next-gen kid entertainment.  We got to spend some time with Cassie and Michael tonight too, since they were helping out with the younger kids – including Sierra and Stuart; and we eventually headed home with Mom and Dad where a bit of family business work and a Magi lesson only lasted for about an hour because we were all tired by then.

Ethan and I really are worn out now, but didn’t want to go with another micro-update when we had the time to catch up now.  Bath or Jacuzzi time was needed when we came upstairs; and then our usual bedtime computing only took time because we needed to sort through a lot of useless information.  Yes, that is an everyday issue, but there are days with more nonsense than others and today was one of those days.  I don’t want to get into any major commentary tonight, but will mention one story – the diplomatic visit to Europe of China’s President Xi.  To be blunt, western media reporting and commentary on this visit is ridiculous; and our leaders and their toadies are making serious mistakes with policies and rhetoric that alienates us from about a fifth of the people in the world!  To summarize our claimed problems with China, they are evil because they are collectively too-productive by making the things that we want at better prices than we can produce those things in western countries; they claim Taiwan as part of China because it is – and our ‘official’ policy is that we agree that there is one China; and finally, China has the audacity to have economic and political relationships with whomever they choose to do that with instead of doing what we tell them to do.  News flash to western leaders – most people in every country of the world strongly prefer choosing what is best for themselves and their countries instead of being told what to do by force of any kind.  Our foreign policies will only continue to work until we can no longer use our military power to impose our will, and since there are more and more signs that we can no longer do that short of destroying our planet with nukes; Ethan and I strongly recommend a major course correction before it is too late!

That sounds a bit dismal, but remember that we do believe that the Ascension of the Light is going to happen, so if our leaders don’t smarten up before then; we’ll probably just need to step in and convince them that we’re right! ;^)

Okay, that’s enough for tonight.  Our adventures will continue in the morning; and we expect that we’ll get even-busier as we head into the weekend and all of the fun we have on the schedule – including a wedding and Mother’s Day.  We’ll call it a night and start re-charging to be ready for all of the fun – starting right now.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!