Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - May 30, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 4th Anniversary, Rebecca and Lucas!

Ethan and I didn’t get to join in on any party fun today, but Mom, Dad, Cassie, and Michael were among the dinner party guests at the Inn; and Luke is spending the night with Cassie and Michael too while his baby sister still needed to be at home with their Mom for reasons that I won’t get into that would just have Ethan blushing despite his awesome intellect and understanding of newborn-related issues.

Okay, he’s blushing now anyway, but we really don’t need to offer commentary on nursing babies! ;^)

While one of our favorite couples has been having a happy day; we’ve mostly just been busy with another exams study day.  Sophia hosted our study session today; we pretty much had the same group as yesterday; and the only differences beyond location were that Sophia’s Mom went with a Pizzeria pizza order for dinner; we worked on different subjects; and Ryan was also there with some friends as they studied for exams too.  We could have had a lot of fun with the older teens if we could have offered our tutoring support, but that would just get us into trouble; so we stuck with helping our friends instead.  The boys should collectively get a gift for Sophia’s parents, though, since the amount of food they devoured was astonishing – and that is saying a lot considering what we know from all of our previous experiences with seeing large gangs of kids and teens being fed!  There were advantages to having older teen guys in the house, since even Miles and Joshua toned down their ‘game’ to avoid reputation risks that might come with acting too immature; so it was only the food quantities that were scary for the girls in the house.

Moving along, we all met up at Sophia’s house by four-thirty; dinner was multi-tasked with the studying; and we worked until parents stopped by to collect kids after game night – though a few of our friends needed to leave earlier when getting rides out to family farms or elsewhere.  Mom and Dad picked us up on their way home from the Inn, and since it was raining by then; we hurried home and didn’t add in walking Naomi and Aiden home too.  They ended up getting a ride with her parents, though, so they didn’t get soaked or even as damp as we did by the time we were in our house.  Mom and Dad gave us the anniversary dinner and game night update and Mom did a Magi lesson with us while Dad took care of just a bit of work in the office, but we didn’t do any family business work tonight.  Ethan and I split up for bath or Jacuzzi time that we kept fairly-short; and we’ve been busy with our bedtime computing and twin chat since then.

While we always keep up with news from around the world, we haven’t written about any of those stories in our journals for a while; so let’s go there – while I’ll also try not to get into a major rant.  To be blunt, world leaders are still choosing war and conflict over peace; and we are seriously getting sick of the horrors that they are committing or allowing to happen – especially in Israel and Ukraine.  Instead of de-escalating and negotiation, the situation in Gaza is getting worse every day and the battles in Ukraine are only leading to more death and destruction while the only talk is about escalating and expanding that conflict.  You don’t need to be junior Magi Masters to understand how pointless all of these conflicts are, but explaining that to people that only care about power and wealth seems to be equally-pointless.  Trying to blow up eastern Europe and the Middle East doesn’t seem to be enough for some of those narcissistic monsters, though, since tensions are rising elsewhere in the world with China and the Asia-Pacific region only being one of those places.  Starting yet another war there would be even more insane than what is already going on, but why should anyone use logic and common sense when it is so much easier to try and get people to hate instead of love our worldwide neighbors.

My attempts to not start ranting are failing miserably; so I’ll stop now before I really get rolling.  That will not keep me from pointing out that we are all blessed with amazing resources on this little planet of ours; there really is more than enough to go around; and it really is insane for anyone to believe that they should be able to do whatever they want at whatever cost to become one of the crazy few to own and control those resources.  Newsflash for those people who will never read our journals – you really can’t take it with you; and eternity is not going to be fun for those people that don’t choose love and the side of the Light!

I really need to stop now.  We still have one day of school and then a weekend that is going to include a fair bit of studying; we want to be rested and ready for that; and need to crash and nap soon to get there from here.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!