Ehlana and Ethan:
This ended up being pretty much an all-day
chores event – including the pre-cooking for the holiday weekend. Nobody now or in the near or distant future
would want a detailed list of those chores; so we won’t offer that information
here. We did get rain this morning,
though, so while it didn’t stick around for that long; it made for a
fairly-messy day for us – especially when it came to working on the gardens and
along the banks of the river. It
eventually got hotter and sunny this afternoon, but while that made the work
more-comfortable; it didn’t really get easier as we helped with mowing the
lawn; trimmed around trees; swept the driveway and sidewalks; and cleaned
windows and doors.
There were lunch and snack breaks, but we
didn’t get everything wrapped up until late-afternoon; so we just got cleaned
up with a swim in the river; and then had a comparatively-early dinner that was
with some aunts, uncles, cousins, and neighbors. That was socially-distanced, but we had fun;
and then we spent the evening together too – whether playing, biking, going for
canoe rides, or just hanging around in the back yard. Our campfire was spread out around two fire
pits; we helped out with the music – along with Naomi and Aiden; and then that
last blast of fun wrapped up early due to incoming threat of thunderstorms.
We’re not doing a sleepover tonight because
our best friends’ parents miss their kids and want to spend time with them
while they can, but we were happy to come inside; hit the tub or Jacuzzi; and
have another bedtime that’s still well-before midnight even after a
campfire. That’s all we have for
tonight, but we’ve had a good day even with all of the work; and feel pretty
good after sharing all of that with Mom and Dad. There is going to be more pre-cooking
tomorrow, but we won’t be helping with as much of that work; and plan on having
more play time with Naomi and Aiden. We’ll
let you know how that goes with the next report, but we’re ready to get started
on the nap time now; so we will.
This is Ehlana and Ethan Proctor; live from
the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!