Christmas continues to be the focus of our
lives today, and that was especially-true with church and Sunday school this
morning. Another start to our day with
Naomi and Aiden was great too; though Tai Chi is a bit crowded for nine in our
exercise room. We only had six for
breakfast because Cassie, Michael, and May were booked for the gourmet
breakfast with his family, but we had fun; and met up with them again for the
walk to church. We aren’t involved in
most of the extra activity going on around the church right now, since Cassie
and Michael are out of teen group loop and we still have a few years to go
before we’ll join up, but there are extra practices going on for the last few
Christmas events – including the teen group show next Sunday evening and the
Christmas Eve service. We’re having our
family Christmas next weekend; so that adventure might get extended if any of
our family decides to stay for that show – which this year is going to be a bit
of a cross between a musical and cantata – from what we’ve heard about it from
our favorite teens that are involved in the show.
While we had fun at church, our favorite
parts of the day were the afternoon play time with Cassie, Michael, and May
that was a mix of indoor and outdoor fun; some cousins and friends joined in
for parts of that entertainment; and then we went to the Inn for the buffet
dinner. Dad had to miss out on a lot of
that fun while getting ready for his week in the city, but he enjoyed the meal
with us; and then we all had a fairly-quiet evening at home that included one
Christmas movie; bath or Jacuzzi time; and then some girl or guy chat time when
it was time for Ehlana and I to go to bed.
Michael and I don’t need long for our little chats, but we had fun with
that too; and now I’m ready to get some sleep while he’s helping out with some
work in the kitchen until Cassie’s done with the girl chat in Ehlana’s room.
This has been an awesome weekend; our last
school week of the year is sure to be all-fun and not much work; and we’re
really looking forward to keeping all of the holiday fun, happiness, and love
going – once we’ve rested up a bit!
Ethan – out!
Girl chats take longer because boys don’t
even notice half of what goes on around them!
Okay, that definitely isn’t true for Magi
Masters like Ethan and Michael, but why let facts get in the way of a good
Ethan didn’t get into any details of our
play time, and we often don’t; since it really always is about spending time
with our favorite people. I’ll go into a
bit of detail because our entertainment included some Christmas craft time;
baking our afternoon snacks; and making special hot chocolate for our
drinks. There was some video gaming; the
guys checked in on football now and then; and we had Christmas movies or music
going on around us during most of the indoor play time too. Buffets at the Inn are all about Christmas
now, so that was awesome, and while we don’t have our best friends with us
again tonight; Naomi and Aiden do need to spend time with their families now
and then too. That’s tougher for them to
do when three out of four of their parents work extra-hard during one of the
busiest times of year for the bakery and salon, but they just manage to fit
more fun into the hours that they can spend together.
That’s about it for me, and I’m ready to
get some sleep; so all that’s left for this update is the Christmas music
pick. I’m going with an original song
from one of our favorite a cappella singers – though don’t have too much fun
with the fact that this version of the song is with instrumental music. I think that it makes the song better; and I
really love the message too.
This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live
from what is now my past!