Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** It's back to school time for our favorite Magi kids and teens in Witch Falls! Ethan and Ehlana are in Grade Eight; Naomi is starting high school; and their lives will continue to change as they deal with new adventures. Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing work and new travel around the world; and they will all continue to work toward the Ascension of the Light - helping where needed when they can and dealing with defeating Dark Magi whenever they can either directly or indirectly. Life is going to continue to be an amazing adventure that you'll want to enjoy, so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - September 30, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 37th Birthday, Uncle Nick!

We have yet another birthday dinner to get to now; so this is another early update.  Since our last report, Michael’s birthday buffet dinner at the Inn was awesome; we had to say goodbye to the Malloys and their little gang of kids; and then our evening included a group Magi lesson; taking turns with baths or Jacuzzi time; and some wind-down co-ed cuddling before we got around to the sofa sleepovers.

Having our best friends with us for Tai Chi by the river and breakfast made the start to our day amazing; we’ve had a happy day at school; and now we’re about to head over to the Ayres’ home to help with kid control and some of the dinner work.  The weather is perfect for another family-and-friends’ barbeque; and that is also amazing for the last day of September!

That’s also pretty much all we have for this update and we need to move on now; so we’re out of here and back to the always-awesome adventures with some of our favorite people – and pets; since Silkie will be with us for this party!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - September 29, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 24th Birthday, Michael!

This has really felt like an all-weekend party; and the fun is going to continue as we’re currently transitioning from an afternoon of fun at Cassie and Michael’s house to a buffet birthday dinner at the Inn!  Ethan and I are getting changed and ready for that now; so this will just be a quick report.

Valerie’s birthday barbeque dinner and outdoor movies were awesome and a big hit with her friends.  Naomi and I ended up going along to the Malloy’s cottage for the night when Valerie wanted the extra girls with her – including Leah and Hailey and Brianna and Faith; and Mom and Dad got stuck with a major gang of boys that Ethan and Aiden didn’t really manage to keep out of trouble for the rest of the night.  They also stayed up way too late with video gaming; and some of the boys were not much fun to be around this morning either before or during church and Sunday school.  The parents with gangs of kids got extra help with breakfast and getting the kids ready for church; and I can report that we had the easiest time of that this morning with the girls.

Church and Sunday school were great, but let’s also add that Jake and Stephanie hosted a Stone family birthday breakfast for Michael – though they did that at his house; and Rowen and Tim were among the guests and work helpers.  They had fun too – especially with the next-gen kids, and while we missed that; it was also the only time available for Michael’s family to share with him when they were busy with work on the farm or at the Inn or Pizzeria.  Cassie and Michael’s house was party central from lunch time to now too; and we helped with kid control and some of the work too as we mostly played around the yard and in or on the river while enjoying what has ended up being a sunny, warm day with a high that has topped eighty while we also missed out on the forecast showers that didn’t arrive at all.  Michael has had a good day so far; his birthday fun with family and friends will wrap up with the buffet dinner at the Inn; and we don’t need to comment on what Cassie has planned for him after she takes him home from the Inn in a few hours!

Ethan and I are going to have Naomi and Aiden with us for another sleepover, so we don’t want to be on our computers later tonight; and plan on enjoying the co-ed teen time and possibly an early start to the co-ed napping too after a couple of very late nights.  We’ll let you know how the rest of our day goes for us with the next report, but that’s all for this one; and we need to meet up with our dates and get to the Inn to help out with a bit of birthday decorating.  That’ll be at a minimum, since the early buffet is already going on and there might be some overflow into the smaller dining rooms if the main room is full, but we’ll deal with that as needed; and include that news too if needed.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - September 28, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 12th Birthday, Valerie Malloy!

Before we get to the birthday stories; let’s cover the rest of our news from Friday.  At the top of that list, our team won the game against Sweetwater Ponds by a score of thirty to fifteen; Aaron had another good game; and earned another touchdown as well as being the top player for yards gained.  We should add that Aaron doesn’t play very much on defense; since the bigger players take care of most of those jobs.  The home games are more-fun thanks to having family and friends with us for the entertainment; and we had bonus fun last night thanks to cameo visits by the Malloys and other visitors.  Ethan and I hosted our four best friends for the night after the game, but Aiden and I were on our own for a while first because Aaron and Naomi took Sophia and Ethan along for the team post-game party before they joined us in the lounge.  We didn’t mind, since the alone time was nice to have; and we actually were alone for a while because Cassie and Michael hosted Valerie, Marcus, and their friends for a sleepover that allowed some of our favorite parents to have some kid-free time at the Malloy’s cottage.  Our co-ed sleepover didn’t get started until the wee hours of this morning, but we had fun with the cuddle time, movie, and teen chat time; and then the short nap time was followed by some Magi fatigue healing ahead of Tai Chi by the river.

Our morning workout and a hot breakfast was followed by a chores morning; and then it was time to play for the rest of the day while celebrating Valerie’s special day.  Mom and Dad are hosting that ongoing event to have room for all of the guests.  Lunch wasn’t officially part of the party, but many of the guests were here; the official party started soon after lunch; and the top afternoon adventure was a trail ride at our favorite ranch.  Ethan, Naomi, Aiden, and I helped with the kid control for the ride; and this is a good place to mention that Valerie and her three best friends like Ethan and Aiden more than Naomi and I liked!  Naomi had no problem with warning the girls off from her boyfriend, and that didn’t get weird, so we mostly had fun with that too along with the horse riding and outdoor time.

We’re home from the ranch and there have been some outdoor games and even a short swim since then; and now Ethan and I are multi-tasking some work with this update because we’re in charge of getting set up for outdoor movies after dark while the barbeque birthday dinner is being readied by the adults and some other volunteers.  The weather is good again today for all of that, but we’re going to be busy for the rest of the day and split up for our overnight plans; so now is the perfect time for this report.  The dinner and movies plans are for the family and friends attending Valerie’s party; Ethan and Aiden will be hosting the guys at our house tonight – including Marcus and his buddy; and Valerie will have her girlfriends with her at the Malloy’s cottage.  With what will likely end up being a gang of guys here, I’m going home with Naomi after the movies; and we’re okay with a girls-only night when we expect that Zack and Eli will be among the guys staying here.

The rest of our stories for today will need to wait for tomorrow night, so stay tuned for that; and we’ll get back to all of the work and fun still ahead of us.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - September 27, 2024


Ehlana and Ethan:

Happy 19th Birthday, Jaimie Proctor!

We had a short vid-chat with Jaimie, Micah, and their townhouse mates, and sent gifts, but that’s it for our involvement in her special day.

Compared to birthday adventures, our day has been quiet so far, but we’ve had a good day at school; our morning was more-fun with Naomi and Aiden; and now we’re in a break between school and the football game tonight.  We’ll be at the home game with family and friends and then we’ll likely have our four best friends with us for the night.  The rest of our stories can wait for our next update, but we need to mention that the Malloys are going to be here for the weekend.  Valerie’s birthday is tomorrow, and decided to bring friends to their cottage and celebrate her special day here instead of at home.  That should be fun for all of us, but those details will be forthcoming too; since they won’t even be in town until sometime closer to game time.

For now, Ethan and I need to do some work around here; help Mom with making dinner; and then eventually head over to the school for the big game.  Stay tuned for our next reports; and we’ll get back to living the adventures.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!

Ehlana's and Ethan's Journals - September 26, 2024


Naomi, Ethan, Ehlana, and Aiden:

I’m taking over this journal for the night!  Ehlana’s doing a good job, but should get a break now and then; and I’m the perfect best friend to help her out with that!

While the top news story around the country is the hurricane that has blasted up into Florida and beyond through the Gulf of Mexico today and making a major mess; I think that our co-ed teen time is more-important to write about in this journal!  Yes, Ehlana, I’ll mention that the family charities are in action and helping out with the worst-hit areas and will continue to do that as the storm dumps a mess everywhere in the south-east.  Helene has been the largest storm to hit our country so far this year; and maybe it’ll be the last – though it is a bit early in the season to hope for that to happen.

Here at home, Aiden’s Mom and Dad loved their anniversary dinner party at the Inn; they headed to the airport from there; and took a late flight to their California vacation destination while Aiden and I went home with Ehlana and Ethan for the rest of the night.  Aiden will be staying there while his parents are away; Hailey is doing the same with Leah; and I’ll take advantage of the extra co-ed opportunities for as many sleepovers as I can get away with over the eight nights that Aiden’s parents will be away!  Last night, while the party was the entertainment highlight, we also did a group Magi lesson with my future mother-in-law; Aiden and I helped with some charity prep work for that hurricane relief effort; and then we stayed up too-late for a school night while having some music fun, watching a movie, and enjoying the mid-week co-ed cuddle opportunity.  We did eventually get around to the co-ed sofa sleepover nap time; and then mo0rning came a bit early and required some Magi powered fatigue healing.

Tai Chi was by the river, and we had the added bonus when Sophia joined us for the workout; breakfast was standard school day fare; and then the boys were off to the school for their weight training while Ehlana and I had extra time for looking our best before we eventually headed out too.  Our academic adventures were better with some bonus outdoor time that most teachers were interested in for their students; and then I had my cheer squad practice while Aiden went with Ethan and Ehlana to the lab for some play-work.  Aiden stayed with Ehlana for that and was also a blood donor volunteer as well as a lab helper, but since Ehlana writes about her lab fairly-often; I’ll give you an inside scoop on my cheer squad!

I am trying to be as-good as Cassie and Rowen were, and that includes helping out with new cheer routines.  Ehlana helps me out with that – and with choosing the music; Samantha and I practice the routines that we then share with our squad and captain; and we’re trying to use at least some newer music – though we also need to keep in mind that older spectators at the games also love classic and well-known songs better than the songs that their kids and grandkids prefer!  We are doing something right, since we’re getting a lot of praise at the games, and while I’m having fun; I am looking forward to having Ehlana and maybe Sophia join the squad with me next year!  Let’s also add for the record that I will only be cheering for the football team; and will leave it to others to join the squads that will be doing the indoor court sports like basketball.

We eventually met up again here in time for dinner, and I was early-enough to help with the cooking; that meal was a blast of fun; and then we moved on to game night at the Inn.  The entertainment highlight of our day included another junior title for Ehlana and Aiden, and I’m still trying to decide how I feel about getting compared to Miranda for game night losses that might be related to having too much fun with our respective, favorite guys.  I really like to win, but it also is a great compliment to be compared to one of the happiest couples we know!  That little story might work better if another of those happiest couples hadn’t also won the senior title, but Cassie and Michael also haven’t won in a while; so they were overdue.

We had another group Magi lesson after getting home from the Inn; the adults in the house did more work in the office after we came upstairs; and Ehlana and I took turns with Jacuzzi time while the boys opted for showers and some video gaming while waiting for us to join them for a movie, chat, cuddle time, and the bedtime computing that includes this journal update.  It is going to be another late night, but that’ll likely be the case for most nights through to next Thursday.  We have football tomorrow night; birthday parties on Saturday and Sunday; and then we’ll be getting even busier next week as we head into October.  I’d suggest that Ethan should organize a daily update from all of the Magi, but that would be a lot of reading; and not really all that useful for future Magi when studying our writings will be more about history than keeping up with current events.

I want to get back to cuddling with Ethan, but Ehlana wants me to include a world news update; so here it goes.  Most of our world leaders are horrible; we wish that we could stop all wars and keep them from ever happening again; and political theatre should be illegal!  Immigration problems around the world could be solved by making life livable in every country so most people wouldn’t want to leave their homes at all; and economic issues could be solved by eliminating greed and narcissism from the business equation.

Problems solved – you’re welcome! ;^)

I have some quality cuddling to get to now with Ethan; so that’s all for this report.

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!