Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cassie's Journal - November 25, 2014

Congratulations, Aunt Deborah, Uncle, Nick, Leah, and everyone else in our families – it’s a boy!

Sebastian Nathaniel Ayres was born at ten fifty-one this evening; weighed in at exactly eight pounds; and is already obviously his Daddy’s son – if the pictures that Grandma Lydia showed us of Uncle Nick as a baby are any indication.

I was at the clinic for the birth, and while Michael stopped in there on our way home from teen praise team practice; he didn’t stay because he has a football bedtime curfew this week, and we didn’t know when he left just how quick Aunt Deborah’s labor would go.  Mom and Dad were there, but the Drapers and Seagers took Ethan and Ehlana tonight in case Mom and Dad needed to be up all night.  Pretty much all of the Ayres-Johnson clan was at the clinic too; so we had lots of company – and opportunity for fun and entertainment too.

A new baby in the family was definitely the highlight of my day; though I was mostly on the sidelines for all of that action while Uncle Adam took care of the delivery with assists from Great-Grandma and Grandpa Johnson.  Aunt Deborah’s parents are here by now too; though they were still inbound by the time I went home with Mom and Dad.  The rest of the Johnson-McEwan clan will just come as planned tomorrow night; mostly because they’ve been ordered to give Aunt Deborah the time to recover before descending on Witch Falls for the long weekend.

Getting to hold Sebastian for a couple of minutes was great too; though I was near the end of that line too – and Mom and Dad basically let me have their turn while hugging both of us.  There was a lot of sitting around and waiting going on for the rest of the time I was at the clinic; so I used one of the offices and worked on my computer instead of just being in the way of the adults in the waiting room.  Doing homework was my cover story for that, and I did my school assignments too; but that took about a minute – literally; since I was able to take advantage of working at Magi speed while wards and shields were being used anyway.  Mostly, I worked on my language studies and family business work; though I took regular breaks to check in on the latest baby news too – both before and after Sebastian was born.  All of that was for show with the non-Magi in the building; since everyone else knew that I was in the loop for what was actually going on in the delivery room.  As I already mentioned, I wasn’t directly involved in any of that work or the shielding; and that was mostly because Uncle Adam just didn’t need my help this time.  That might have changed with a long labor if everyone else got tired out.

Everyone who did help tonight is likely tired out by now – and so am I; so let’s move this along so I can get to my nap time.

Backing up to the start of the day, it was below freezing again this morning; so Tai Chi was indoors.  The rest of the morning was fairly standard and uneventful; and school was more play than work with just two days left to the holiday weekend.  I didn’t have any spare time with cheerleading practice at lunchtime; band practice after school; and teen praise team practice after dinner.  Michael was at our house for that dinner break, but by the time he got finished with the last big football practice before the championship game; we basically had time to eat fast and run to get to the church by seven o’clock.

Aunt Deborah went into labor right around that time; was in the clinic by seven-thirty; and nearly half-way through the process by the time Michael and I had gone back to my house and we’d been re-directed to the clinic from there.  Michael stayed with me there until nine-thirty before going home; I’ve covered my personal news from what happened after that; and Mom, Dad, and I came home again at one-thirty – after Grandma Lydia and Great-Grandma Johnson kicked us out for the night – along with all other ‘non-essential personnel’.  Aunt Deborah and Uncle Nick have lots of support overnight, and Uncle Adam and Uncle Mark split the night shift – with Uncle Mark taking over about an hour and a half ago.

Mom and Dad went to bed after we got back here, and I hopped into my Jacuzzi for a soak while multi-tasking my work – mostly because it might be my last chance for some tub time until after our family goes home again on Sunday.  That didn’t slow my work down very much, but it did still take until after four to get everything on my to-do list finished.  I’ll still need to keep up with the daily work email and business; but shouldn’t have anything major come up between now and Sunday.

I’m going to need to do another self-healing in a couple of hours to make up for the lack of sleep; but at least I am ready for the fun we’re going to have over the next five days that should be even better with the added entertainment that Sebastian’s arrival is going to provide for all of us.  It’s nearly four-thirty now, though, and the nap time will help me re-charge at least a little bit; so that’s it for tonight.

Stay tuned for what should be a very interesting holiday; and, until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!