Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cassie's Journal - November 18, 2014

I’m going to keep this short, because it’s late again; and I’m running on fumes.

It feels as though I’ve been on the run constantly since Tai Chi this morning – mostly because I have been.  Whether that was being busy with my classes; cheerleading practice at noon; band practice after school; helping Mom out around the house when I could after that; our teen praise team practice earlier this evening; or the work I’ve been doing since then, there haven’t really been any breaks at all today.

Michael was with me for dinner, and again after our praise team practice, so that was an improvement over not spending any time with him last night; but we also worked most of the time he was there.  Even while having dinner with Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana; we still helped out with the pre-cooking that was in-progress; keeping that work going and eating on the fly so that we kept up with the cooking schedule that had the oven on and filled from late afternoon until shortly before we went to bed tonight.

I know, that seems like a lot, but with a big chunk of our family home for Thanksgiving this year, we have a lot of big meals to deal with; and Mom is taking on the bulk of that work for our collective families while Aunt Leanne is dealing with morning sickness now and Aunt Deborah and Aunt Grace are getting very close to their delivery dates.  They’re both doing pretty much all they can just to keep up with work and daily life now – especially when they’re also getting ready to be off work for most of the winter.  For Aunt Deborah, her maternity leave is scheduled to start after work on Friday, and while Aunt Grace is going to try to keep working right up to the last minute, their due dates are only about a week apart; and having two Thanksgiving babies is technically possible.

How awesome would that be?

Then again, if the guys win their playoff game this week and make it to the championship game next week; adding in two new babies being delivered over those four days when we’d be gone for two of them might be just a bit too much for us to deal with.  That would also mean that we won’t be around for more than half of those meals we’ve been cooking ahead for, and we’d miss out on the fun plans for Friday and Saturday too; but let’s not go there unless we actually need to add a major football event to our holiday weekend.  Actually, now that I think about it, Michael, Tim, and I might need to at least talk about that contingency tomorrow, and check in with Rowen’s parents too.  Her birthday is on that Saturday; and being away for most of the day would make it tough to have a party for her – though with holiday weekend guests and everything else; we weren’t exactly planning on a major event anyway.

So much for this being a micro-report; but apparently my mind is rolling on despite being exhausted.

Since I’m not quite ready to pass out, and I’m thinking about the holiday; I should do a college teen update.  Violet, Dillon, Josiah, and Christina will all be home for the long weekend; but since Violet and Dillon have the entire week off; they’ll be spending the first half of the week in Woodvale; and then coming here with their family for the holiday.  Jake and Stephanie will be staying in New York again this year; but will spend the four days together somewhere – and probably have a lot more fun than they would if they were here; working at the Inn on the Friday and Saturday; and trying to do that along with two tough travel days.

At least we’ll get to have them home for Christmas.

All of that work at the Inn might be very motivating for Michael at the game on Friday – not that I’d suggest that he would intentionally play harder just to get out of helping out for two of the three busiest days of the year at the Inn or anything.  It would be a nice bonus, though!  I’d get to spend more time with him too, but since that’s a trade-off with losing the chance to hang out with my aunts, uncles, and cousins; I have mixed feelings about that – especially when I won’t get to see most of them very much at Christmas either.

I don’t want to go there tonight, though; so let’s move along.  Michael went home at eleven as we were winding down the pre-cooking.  Mom did my Magi lesson with me after that while Ethan and Ehlana did some homework in the office.  We tucked them into bed by midnight; and I’ve spent the last three and a half hours doing my studying, archive assignment, and family business work.  Nothing really needs to be added to that, and I really do need to get some down time now; so that’s it for tonight.

Until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!