Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cassie's Journal - November 26, 2012

The Thanksgiving holiday really felt like it was over by the time I headed to school this morning; mostly because we’d started the day with an early goodbye breakfast for Grandma and Grandpa before they left for Arizona again.

Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne joined us for that – and for morning Tai Chi.  Grandma and Grandpa had the van loaded, and were ready to go, before driving over to our place.  Getting to spend that time with them was great, but reminded me that I didn’t get to spend nearly enough of the weekend with them while they were home.  I guess that won’t change as I get older, and we all get busier, so I’ll just try to enjoy these little moments whenever we can share them.

There were lots of fun moments at school today.  The football team players – and Kyle Landry in particular – were heroes with all of their fans.  Rowen and I weren’t the only friends that didn’t get to spend much time together during the holiday, so weekend recap chats were at least tied with football for top topics of the day.  Christmas wasn’t being talked about yet, but we started learning to play Christmas songs in music class; and that had me thinking about it – and the fact that we’re exactly four weeks away from Christmas Eve Day.

That’s put me into an especially happy mood, and after school, Rowen and kept the fun going.  Our homework didn’t take long to finish, and then, though it was fairly cold today; we bundled Ethan and Ehlana up and took them to the park for a while.  The usual group of guys was there playing football, but only a few girls braved the chilly temperature to watch their attempts at sporting heroics.  Ethan didn’t let the cold keep him from his Monday afternoon football moment either, but Ehlana, Rowen, and I were soon ready to move on; spend a little time at the playground; and then head home again for some hot chocolate and warm, indoor play time.

Rowen stayed for dinner, but then needed to head home after that, while Dad and I cleaned up before Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne came over for our Monday night healing lesson and family business meeting.  Mom, Uncle Adam, and I always have fun with our lessons, but it was the business and future plans part of the night that was the most fun for Ethan, Ehlana, and me.

We started that part of the evening out by getting hot drinks and snacks before moving into the office; and then the first order of business was to talk about Aunt Grace and Mark.  They’d both been given more details about their jobs over the weekend, and while I would have loved to be in on those little chats; it’s enough to know that they’re both even more excited than ever to be moving here.  Mark probably thinks that he’s taking a cut in pay for his new job, and joked about Aunt Grace needing to support them; but he’ll eventually find out that his new partnership will pay better than he could ever imagine; thanks to our family business.

Uncle Blaine’s end of our future plans was up next, and he expects to have the plans for the lab finished by the New Year’s Day long weekend when we’ll be doing our family Christmas.  He’s also going to have the first batch of housing plans ready – including the home that he just found out that he’ll be designing for his sister and brother-in-law-to-be.  That little gift should end up somewhere right at the top of Aunt Grace’s best-ever Christmas present list!

The rest of the updates from Mom, Dad, Uncle Adam, and Aunt Leanne included telling us about the little nudges that were helping Violet, Dillon, and several other teens along toward making decisions for their futures.  For some, that meant thinking about different career options; or about new opportunities here at home instead of elsewhere.  Aunt Grace may be the first member of a Witch Falls family to be drawn back to her hometown; but there are going to be many more; and that’s going to be one of the most exciting things about our collective future.

Ethan, Ehlana, and I had a few new future details to pass on to our parents, aunt, and uncle too; though there is still a lot more that they’re not meant to know about yet.  We know that frustrates them, but it’s also a burden for us – one that we accept and deal with as best we can.  We’re heading into a bit of a future plans quiet time for most of the winter; though there will be a lot of behind-the-scenes work to get ready for next spring and summer.  Not everything that’s meant to happen will require our direct involvement, but we will need to keep an eye out to make sure those little side-events still happen.

Anyway, moving along, our meeting lasted until nearly eleven o’clock; so I got a late start on my usual studying and nightly computing.  My archive homework took more than an hour; I studied languages for another hour; and finished my email, entertainment, news, and sports checks before wrapping up with this.  It’s heading toward two o’clock, and I need to get some sleep, so...

...say ‘goodnight, Cassie’.

“Goodnight, Cassie.”