Ethan and Ehlana:
The forecasted freeze, snow, and ice welcomed us to the day, but we also didn’t get the afternoon melt; so Ehlana and I ended up shoveling and salting driveways and sidewalks before and after school instead of Tai Chi before breakfast or playing at the lab or archives after we were set free from school for the day. That ended up being our top story of the day – the outdoor snow work. We had a good day at school too – including while writing a test and dissecting the President’s address to the joint session of congress; a story that we’ll cover in this report too.
Thanks to the weather, we stayed indoors most of the time except when dealing with the clean-up. Dinner with Mom and Dad was hot, but also an easy-meal; and then we worked in the office for a few hours – plus the equivalent, time-phased hours. Some of the work was prepping for risks ahead if a trade war accelerates; and we definitely would have some impacts for some family businesses and charities. Mom had us wrap up the work by ten o’clock; bath or Jacuzzi time followed; and now we’re ready to get some sleep soon.
Before we go there, we do need to comment on the top political news from last night. It was obvious where the battle lines are drawn between the two parties in congress; and we’re mostly just ready to ignore all of the nonsense. There are parts of the President’s plans and goals that we agree with; others that we don’t; and some that are just thrown out there for political theatre. A lot of his plans are not going to go over very well in the rest of the world, but many of the issues are truly-serious, and we agree that we can’t help the rest of the world at all if we bankrupt our country in the attempt – though we would argue that our goals for the world haven’t been to help, but to rule and exploit. Either way, the status quo won’t work and will destroy us, so while we have issues with these new plans too; any shake-up at all might at least get us going in the right direction – especially if we can actually negotiate what is best for all of us!
Yes, that quaint little dream is unlikely with current animosity, but then we’ll never understand choosing to hate everything because of the messenger while ignoring the validity of each message. Okay, we also don’t understand hating anyone or anything, but you get the point. We’ll keep you posted on the various stories if anything actually happens beyond the rhetoric, but that’s all we’re going to cover for tonight; and now we are definitely going to move on to nap time!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!