Ethan and Ehlana:
This early update won’t have much news; since the best parts of our day are about to get going now!
Tai Chi by the river with Mom and Dad and then a hot breakfast worked for us; we got to work on holiday weekend prep work that included getting bikes and canoes checked out at one end of the scale and pre-cooking with Mom and others in the kitchen at the other end of the work fun. We’ve also set up tents for our major camping night that will go along with the last co-ed ball game of the regular season this evening; and we’ll be having all of that fun with our favorite teens and kids while the adults go to Sheldon’s Pub for a night out after the game. Mom and Dad are also hosting a large barbeque dinner before the game, and we need to go and help with that now; so that’s it for this report. Stay tuned; and we’ll have the highlights from the rest of our day with our next report, but we’re going to focus on the fun for the rest of the day; so we’re out of here!
Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!