Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - January 24, 2023


Ethan and Ehlana:

Happy 22nd Birthday, Lisa Byrd!

Before we get to the rest of the news from last night and today, we want to mention that we helped Cassie and Michael out with delivering a gift to Lisa today – after school and at the Eco-Art store in the Galleria that she co-owns with Roger Jennings and some other partners.  She seemed to be having a happy day, and was nice with us while we had that little visit, but we also know that we were all having some memories of the time around her twelfth birthday – back when she was dating Michael.  That wasn’t outwardly-weird for us, and Lisa has no reason to believe that we’d even remember any of that drama, but we do; and those memories were definitely triggered today.

Cassie had a lot of tween drama issues back then before she ‘crossed over’ and eventually admitted that she loved Michael.  The way that Lisa and her closest friends treated her at the time was part of the drama, and while they are both long-since over that, and we can sense that Lisa does genuinely like Cassie now; we can also sense that she subconsciously still hates her just a bit too.  We don’t want to get into any commentary on that, since we’re writing about a first-love for Lisa and those feelings don’t have to make any sense; so we’ll only add that Lisa is not the only girl around their age that wonders what might have been if Cassie hadn’t moved to town when she was nine and stole Michael’s heart the first moment he met her! ;^)

Moving along and getting started with our own stories; Liz’s birthday dinner last night was a lot of fun – even for the kids; since we were on the edges of the entertainment for Naomi’s Mom; and spent most of the time hanging out with the other kids at the party.  It was a work night, so partying all night wasn’t an option, but going out to Sheldon’s for a while was part of the fun for Naomi’s parents and some of their friends.  We still have most of a decade to go before we’d be able to join in on that kind of fun, so we brought Naomi and Aiden home with us while the rest of the kids either went home or over to the Carringtons where babysitting was available for a few hours.  We weren’t drafted for that, but we expect to join the babysitting club sometime this year – by summer at the latest.  Mom and Dad went out with the gang of parents for a couple of hours too; so we were on our own for a while once at home.  We had a band practice; watched a movie; and did a bedtime chat with Mom and Dad once they got home before getting around to the co-ed sofa sleepover that was another highlight of our day.

We had extra fun this morning with Tai Chi and breakfast for six; our school day was uneventful; and then that visit to see Lisa was followed by a bit of shopping around the Galleria that included a visit with our favorite multimedia studio; where we talked about possible future albums for Naomi and the Haunted or Holiday Harmonies.  We’re going to think about that, but they’re hoping to record some winter background scenes if we get enough snow for that over the next couple of months, so even if we don’t do a new album; some Christmassy music videos might be an option too.  We had fun with that bit of shopping and play time, but we also can’t resist mentioning that we still find it a bit entertaining that between Michael and Tim; there are three ‘first-love’ store owners at the Galleria!  We do know that the Galleria was not built specifically to give business opportunities to former girlfriends, but we don’t need to let facts get in the way of having a little fun with the idea.  We’d dig a bit deeper for the rest of the store owners, but maybe we don’t want to know those answers!

Okay, moving along again, Naomi and Aiden came home with us after the shopping, Mom ended up doing a group Magi lesson with us; and they stayed for dinner so that we could do some homework and a band practice before our best friends headed for their homes.  We’ve done some family business work since then; bath or Jacuzzi time followed that; and now we’re winding down toward nap time.  We’ve had a pretty good first couple of days of the week; so let’s leave it there and call it a night!

Until next time, live with love, fellow Magi of the Light!