Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 18, 2022


Ethan and Ehlana:

We’re doing another afternoon update because we’re going to spend the rest of the day with Naomi and Aiden; they’re staying for a sleepover; and we’re going to have fun and leave our computers turned off for the rest of the day.

Starting with the rest of the news from yesterday, we made quick work of cleaning up the snow by using the lawn tractor and blade for the driveways and sidewalks where possible plus the shoveling where that wasn’t an option.  Quick showers and getting ready for Aaron’s party was helped with a time phase; and then Mom gave us – and Naomi and Aiden – a ride over to Aaron’s house.

While we still haven’t finished our friends’ updates for Cassie and Michael; we should really do that for our own friends soon too; since we don’t write about them a lot – at least individually.  We won’t get into a big report on them today, but let’s at least include news for Aaron and his family while covering the birthday report.

We don’t really think about it very often anymore, but Aaron’s Mom was one of the parents we knew pretty well as co-owner of KidZone, and while we don’t know his Dad, Mar, as well; he is one of the kid-favorite fathers for Aaron’s friends – and not just because some of the guys are hoping for future help with their cars from the mechanic-parent in our group!  Rounding out Aaron’s family is his ‘going-on-nine’ sister, Beth-Ann, and she always gets our love and support just because she’s one of the girls that have to put up with Zack and Eli as classmates and members of their group of friends! ;^)

Aaron joined the developing trend toward co-ed parties, and while we do know his private motivation for wanting to do that, he hasn’t officially crossed over yet; so we’ll keep that bit of news to ourselves.  He endured some razzing from the usual culprits over inviting girls, but he didn’t care; and had lots of support to counter the annoyances – including from Aiden and me, but the support from the girls didn’t really help him at all.  Ehlana, Naomi, and the rest of our girl-friends were impressed by Aaron’s efforts to make the party fun for them too, so while he might not be ready for tween dating yet; there are definitely girls that are interested in him.  Moving along, we arrived in time for most of the social hour before dinner; that meal was not Pizzeria pizza for a change; and the ‘real’ food was still a hit with all of the tweens and kids in the house.  We like the local take-out pizza as much as anyone in town, but it is also a nice change to not have it for every single birthday dinner with our family and friends!  The Olde Bakery cakes were still a highlight of the party; and so were the evening entertainment options that included video gaming and a movie that included the usual action necessary to interest the guys our age that also had a decent plot, comedy, and romance that kept the girls entertained.  We can also report that there were more than two couples cuddling during that movie, but we also won’t out those friends quite yet.  Aaron had a girl sitting next to him during the movie, but they weren’t cuddling; and Naomi and Ehlana might have been involved in arranging the seating; since the friend in question was invited to sit next to Ehlana after Aaron was nudged to make room for her.

Moving along – again, it was a school night, so the party wrapped up comparatively-early; Liz took care of the driving duties to get us home; and then we wrapped up our day with a Magi lesson with Mom; some family business work; and a late bedtime.

It was very cold again this morning, but the snow was finished; so our start to the day was standard and not newsworthy.  Ditto that for our school day, but it is Friday; and we plan on having another happy weekend – if not holiday-exciting.  We won’t be having a family-and-friends’ dinner and movie night this week because we’re all worn out from too much busy last weekend; and we’re okay with a quiet play night with our best friends.  We’re going to have an easy-dinner with Mom; probably do a movie marathon in the lounge with a music play time break; and we might have an extra couple for one of the movies depending on when Dad gets home from the city tonight.

The rest of the news for today can wait for our next report, and we need to get a few things done around here before Naomi and Aiden get here; so that’s all for today!

Until next time, this little blast from your near or distant past is written for you with love from Ethan and Ehlana Proctor – twin junior Magi Masters of the Light!