Ehlana and Ethan:
We don’t really have any news for tonight. The weather was about the same as yesterday around here, so we had a chilly Tai Chi workout by the river; our school day was quiet; and we opted for another play afternoon at the lab or archives between school and dinner. The lasagna and sides meal was a highlight of our day; the studying in the office while Mom and Dad worked would not be of any interest to most future readers of our personal journals; and we’re going to be soon because we put in the equivalent of hours of work thanks to Mom’s time phase. Most of our friends wouldn’t consider very much of what we’ve done today fun or exciting, but we got a lot done again; so we’re at least content if not exhausted due to too-much fun!
That really is it for now, though, and we are ready to crash and get some sleep; so, until next time...
...this is Ehlana and Ethan Proctor; live from the hidden home of the Magi of the Light – and May the Magi Force be with you!