I’m not reconsidering my education plan, and the work I’ve been given so far as a new T.A. isn’t a surprise, but I am going to be even busier now as I start working on my Masters Degree; so it is a good thing that I have talents that will give me the extra time I’ll need to keep up with my studies and new duties – including marking assignments and teaching some freshman classes. I have a lot of prep work to get done this weekend too; so I’ve been working this morning while Michael took care of most of the chores and supplies shopping. Rowen and Tim will be over soon for lunch; and we’ll have a work afternoon – on-campus for most of that time at the library or tech center. We’re taking the evening off to have some fun with some of our friends, but the social distancing restrictions won’t allow for going out to dinner or any major indoor sports or entertainment adventures.
Before I wrap this up and get back to the rest of my work; I want to comment on some of the news of the day or week. We hit some milestones for the pandemic – worldwide cases topping ninety-four million and two-million deaths; and twenty-four million cases and four-hundred thousand deaths here in our country. Compared to that, the Capitol Hill riot and ongoing fallout that is still ongoing as we head into next week and President-elect Biden’s inauguration should be looked at in context. That isn’t to minimize those problems – especially when both sides seem to be doing everything to escalate the political battle. There are real risks of continuing protests and violence when there is so much anger that is also being stoked by too-many leaders and through the media, but I’ll continue to hope that cooler heads will prevail; and that we won’t see more trouble in Washington or elsewhere. We already have enough to deal with around the world; and it is ridiculous for anyone to be risking major conflicts that could tear our country apart. That sounds too-dramatic, but we have a fairly-violent history, so thinking that history can’t repeat is a dangerous complacency; and our leaders will make a terrible mistake that will hurt all of us if they don’t understand this and do something to start fixing all of the very real problems; we will not be heading in the right direction here at home or with all of the conflicts we’re involved with around the world.
That’s all too-serious, but Michael and I will be working around the world starting in just a couple of years; and we’ll have enough to do without having things get even worse from all of the bad we have now. I really do need to get back to my work now if I want to be ready to stop for lunch on-time; so I’ll just add that I am very happy even with all of the new work and challenges; sharing those challenges and all of the joy with Michael is always amazing; and we are truly blessed – something that I especially-remember when seeing how often that isn’t true for most people in the world.
No more motivation for what we’re doing – and are meant to do – is needed; since we would love it if everyone could be as happy and filled with love as we are!
Cassie Stone