Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - September 1, 2019


I’m going to leave this update to Ehlana; call it a night; and get some sleep.

Ethan – out!


We both had a late night last night, but we’ve had a lot of fun; so I’ll be happy to write this report for both of us!

Let’s start from the end of my last update.

Our family and friends barbeque dinner was as entertaining as always – even with the antics and amazingly-gross feats of food fun that Zack led the way for with help from some of the other guys that either joined in on the contests or goaded the boys on.  Other than the usual requirements for cleaning up after ourselves, we weren’t put to work before or after dinner – beyond helping with kid control of the younger cousins; so we got to play most of the time – including the usual backyard games, a swim, and short canoe rides.  There was a visit to the park, and some of the older cousins went for a bike ride on the trails, but Ethan and I – and Naomi and Aiden – continued to play with the younger kids; so we were at the playground instead of on our bikes.  The campfire was the entertainment highlight of the night, and while we didn’t get to spend a lot of time with Cassie and Michael – at least when we weren’t sharing them with everyone else; they helped out with the musical entertainment; Cassie told one of the campfire stories; and we sat in front of them so that we could join in on the chat time now and then when they weren’t busy talking with the other young couples sitting in the chairs nearest to them.

That was our last campfire of the summer, so it didn’t end until around one o’clock – though we – the kids – started heading for our tents at eleven; and we were all supposed to be in our tents by midnight.  Naomi and I did that without going to sleep then, but Ethan, Aiden, and Jayden had to deal with Zack, Eli, and some of the other boys while they had some late-night fun trying to scare the girls in the other tents; raid the campfire after three failed attempts to sneak up on the parents, older cousins, and teens; and then they eventually stayed up even later while playing video games in the boys’ tents after the campfire ended and the remaining guests headed for their homes.  Cassie and Michael have definitely crossed over to that next level, since they didn’t camp with us.  that felt weird, but then I’m sure that Jessica, Patrick, and some of the other teens taking over those chaperone jobs now feel the same way – if in a different way; if you know what I mean. ;^)

Moving along, our girl chat and music-listening time didn’t last as long as that video gaming for the guys, but we still didn’t get a lot of sleep before needing to be up and going again in the morning.  We had a gang for Tai Chi by the river; Mom and Dad had lots of help for the major breakfast meal; and getting ready for the church service in the park didn’t end up being as scary as usual because we could dress for a play day at the park and the holiday celebration – though most of the girls had some fun doing our hair and looking our casual-best anyway.  Our gang headed for the park in groups that included pedestrians and truck or van loads to deal with food contributions for the charity food booths; we were all at the park in time for the teen-led church service; and I’m pretty sure we had the biggest turn-out for that hour of praise and worship that we’ve had so far since Ethan and I were born – mostly thanks to the visitors that came to the park from Quarry Lake and the other area campgrounds.

While that service was awesome, the co-ed championship baseball game at noon was amazing too – and this year we got to have Cassie and Miranda on the same cheer squad.  That has happened before, and disappoints some of the spectators that love the sidelines competition between Cassie and Miranda, but Sheldon’s Storm Chasers had their own cheer squad too; so there was still a lot of fun to be had with the cheer squad battle!  We won that contest – just as Mom, Dad, and the Blizzard won their championship by a score of sixteen-to-eleven.  Cassie and Miranda didn’t steal any cheerleaders from the Storm Chasers’ squad, but by the end of the game; we definitely had most of the spectators on our side; and we have Brianna, Faith, and our other junior cheerleaders to thank for that; since they may have personally hugged most of those people into changing sides.

We multi-tasked lunch with the game-watching and cheering, and after the game; we had time to play some games while our parents headed home to grab showers and get changed after their big win.  There was more play time after they got back, and Ethan and I spent a lot of that time with Naomi, Aiden, and all of our parents through until dinnertime.  There were some cameo moments with our extended family, other friends, and Cassie and Michael while playing those games; and then Naomi and Aiden were with their own extended families for dinner while we did the same with our family.  Cassie was with Michael and his family for that meal; though the Bassett clan wasn’t far from ours; so we could still spend a bit of time with them too – and Sophia ended up sitting with Ethan, Jayden, and me.  That blast of food fun was great, but I didn’t actually eat all that much.  I won’t claim that I’m hitting my holiday weekend food limit yet, since we still have the holiday weekend buffet at the Inn tomorrow; so let’s just suggest that I’m saving up now to have room for all of that great food tomorrow! ;^)

The dance was up next on the entertainment schedule – after the post-dinner clean-up.  Ethan and I ended up helping with that work instead of kid control because the grandparents were given that task instead.  Ethan and Jayden also went along to help take pans and most of our day camp supplies home then too; which also allowed the parents to get most of the vehicles back home again too so that they could avoid getting caught up in the usual traffic jam that would be happening after the dance when most of those campground visitors and all of the ‘farm’ families headed home for the night.

My favorite parts of the dance included my dances with Dad, Michael, and Aiden; Ethan’s dances, hugs, and kisses with Naomi; and when Brianna cut in on Cassie and Naomi so that she could dance with Michael and Ethan – proving that she is Aunt Leanne’s daughter and a lot like Cassie too.  I’m not excluding Ethan for my dances – we didn’t get around to having a dance together; and I think that we’re sub-consciously avoiding that right now because of the twin thing and how everyone else reacts to things like that for us.

We’re getting past the point where being cute and adorable twins is fun, so even if everyone still thinks that we are that and then some; we’re going to avoid providing the opportunities for them to tease us about it.

I wonder why Ethan and Naomi don’t have that same problem with it comes to what everyone says about them – not!

Moving along; we danced and had fun with our families and friends until the dance ended; helped out with getting our tired-out younger cousins home from the park; and then Mom and Dad only had Ethan and me with them when we got home for the night.  It’s heading toward midnight now; I’ve had enough fun for today; and that’s all of the news I have for tonight; so I’m going to wrap this up and get some sleep.  We don’t really get to have even a full day of holiday fun tomorrow, since our weekend guests will be heading home early and then we’ll have work to do around here, but I want to be ready for the holiday shopping and buffet; we’ll spend whatever time we can get with Cassie and Michael; and then see them off and on their way back to school when they need to get going too.

I don’t want to think about that right now – or anything else; so I won’t do that; and get started on that nap instead.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!