Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 11, 2019


Valentine’s Day activities ruled the school today; and some of our friends are running out of jokes and gags; so they’re going to be glad that this holiday will be past us by the end of the week.

Ehlana and I were at the lab after school again today; and we’ll put in the extra time now before taking the end of the week off for Valentine’s Day and then the weekend.  We were late for dinner; worked and studied in the office after that; and now I’m ready to go to sleep – so I will.

Ethan – out!


Ethan’s left the Cassie-update to me because he probably doesn’t want to write anything nasty about the person who was being bad today and making our big sister very mad.

I don’t have a problem with doing that instead! ;^)

Philippe proved that he is clueless – at least when it comes to Cassie.  He apparently thought that she’d be charmed and amused by his ridiculous story of a dream-nightmare about her and how he was powerless to save Cassie – the girl of his dreams – from a horrible future with a loser of a guy she was going to foolishly marry instead of being with him – the man she was meant to spend the rest of her life with instead.

That was dumb – especially just days after she got engaged to Michael.  Dumber was grabbing her and trying to force her to stay when she explained how stupid it was to be so insulting to her fiancée and inappropriate toward her.  It’s totally wrong of me to like the part of this story where she used a bit of her Tai Chi training to force him to let go – and then put him face-down in the snow.  He had been warned several times before to stop touching or grabbing her, though, so I’d say he had it coming to him – and then some.  He did leave her alone for the rest of today, but Cassie is sure it isn’t over with him; and he’ll likely keep bugging her – probably not long after he starts forgetting how much it hurt to get knocked down by a girl.

I’m not going to go on and on about this, but I do want to add that there is something wrong in our country when even the supposedly-best-and-brightest teens at our colleges have Neanderthal social and emotional issues.  Note to all guys like Philippe – it is no longer socially-acceptable to club the girl you like over the head and then take her home to your cave.  Deal with it!

Philippe ought to be glad of that, since if we were living in those times; he probably wouldn’t like to find out what Michael-the-caveman might do to him for trying to club ‘his’ girl.

Then again, if Cassie had been alive back then; I seriously-doubt that we’d have the same stories about cavemen at all.

I’ll leave you with that mental picture to have fun imagining; wrap up this little rant-update; and go get some sleep now too.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!