Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 28, 2019


It’s the last day of the shortest month of the year; and I don’t really have any news to write about before we head into March.

Nothing exciting happened at school; we played at the lab after that; got home in time for dinner; and then we were at the Inn for game night – which was quiet and the attendance was pretty low for unknown reasons.  Mom did a Magi lesson after we got home while Dad worked; we did a bit of studying; and now we’re going to sleep until next month – plus a handful of hours until our normal morning wake-up time.

That’s it; so until next month...

...Ethan – out!


My only news of the day is from Cassie and Michael.  Cassie’s stalker is back again today after the three-day break; Philippe followed her around all day – trying to blend in; and failing miserably with his attempt at stealth.  He didn’t do anything overt or try to get close to Cassie, so there isn’t much he can do about it other than be ready to defend herself if needed, but it’s still annoying; and that isn’t something she needs on top of everything else going on in her life.

I’ll keep you posted on that ongoing drama – and maybe we’ll even have something interesting happen around here sometime before March Break.

It could happen – really; and then we’ll wish for a bit more quiet.

What can I say – we’re kids; and occasionally very inconsistent! ;^)

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 27, 2019


We had a good day at school; more fun at the lab; and a quiet night at home.  Extra study time has kept us up a bit later – even with some time-phasing; so I’m ready to crash and nap now.

Ethan – out!


That sounds like a plan – and I have no news from home or with Cassie and Michael either.

Maybe we’re just tired of winter and hope for better weather to come along with the start of March on Friday!

Whatever the reason; I’m ready to get some sleep too; so I’m out of here and off to dreamland.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 26, 2019


We’re getting snow today, but I won’t say much about that; since we’ve been lucky this year compared to other parts of the country – and it’s been spread out enough that it hasn’t been all that hard to keep up with the extra work – like shoveling the sidewalks or clearing the roads and driveways.

School was still on today; the snow added to lunchtime fun; and we had a bit of after-school play time before helping out around home again too.  We didn’t work at the lab, but did have a longer work and study session tonight – which is why I’m tired and ready to crash and nap now.  It has still been a pretty good day – even without getting a snow day, but I’ll still hope that we’ll be done with winter sooner instead of later; since I’m tired of the cold and ready for spring to get here.

Ethan – out!


We have had a long day; so I’ll just go with Ethan’s report for local news.

As for Cassie and Michael, they’ve had a busy day with the weather issues on top of everything else too, but the big advantage of the bad weather was no issues with Philippe again.  Ethan may be ready for spring, but Cassie might be okay with getting snow every day for the rest of the semester! ;^)

I’m with Ethan on that one – and on the let’s get some sleep now part of his plan too; so that’s all I have for tonight.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 25, 2019


I have absolutely no interesting news for today.
Flip the digital page; and I’ll try to do better tomorrow!

Ethan – out!


Our day wasn’t as boring as Ethan implies.  We like having Dad at home; Tai Chi and breakfast was fun; we had a quiet day at school – though gossip about visits to the Maple Valley festival was part of the entertainment; and then Ethan and I played at the lab and archives until dinner.  We were a bit late for that – but only by about fifteen minutes; which is pretty good for us – me.  Add in work and studying after dinner including a Magi lesson; and that takes us up to now and our bedtime.

The only thing I have to add is a non-news story from Cassie because she didn’t have any drama issues with Philippe today.  He didn’t bother her at all today.  That doesn’t mean her problems with him are over – only that he’s likely taking time to heal up before bugging her again.  Unlike Ethan’s hope for more excitement tomorrow; I won’t wish that for Cassie; since a bit less drama in her life would be a good thing.  We will keep you posted either way, though; so stay tuned while I go and get some sleep.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - February 24, 2019


Our movie night was a great way to end a play day; some of us fell asleep while cuddled together during the second movie; and no, Naomi and I did not have a sofa sleepover – even though we would have been okay with that.

We started out day with Tai Chi and breakfast for six; church and Sunday school was a bit on the quiet side; and then Mom, Ehlana, and I played at the lab this afternoon while Dad had some quiet time to get his weekend homework finished.  Dinner was at the Inn – the late buffet; there was some more work and studying after that – including a Magi lesson for Ehlana and me with Mom; and we just finished with the bath or Jacuzzi time part of our bedtime routine.

There’s more news from Cassie and Michael, but I’ll leave that to Ehlana; call it a night; and get started on my nap time.

Ethan – out!


The Cassie and Michael news is actually from last night.  They had their study afternoon at the college library; went out to dinner with some of their friends; played at the Rec Center for a few hours; and then went out to a dance-party at one of the residential halls because Cassie had promised to do that despite not really wanting to go.  Philippe intruded on as much of Cassie’s day as possible – starting with hanging out in the library despite the fact that he wasn’t being included in Cassie’s study group anymore and sitting in one of the Rec Center lounges to try and watch her all of the time while she was playing racquetball with her friends.

Drama levels kicked up a few notches at the dance.  Philippe followed them there – whether by following them or finding out where they were going to be earlier in the day or week; and he stupidly tried to get up-close-and-personal with Cassie yet again in a handsy sort of way.  You can guess how well that ended for him – especially when he’s still recovering from his last round of injuries, but Cassie played nicer than she should have and didn’t break anything else while still letting him know that his comments and touching her in any way wasn’t something that she was going to put up with ever again.  Unfortunately for Philippe, that wasn’t the end of his problems because he’d apparently gone to the dance with Pamela; she found out a few things about how he’d really gotten injured on Thursday that she hadn’t known; and then she’d kicked him while he was down – literally.

I seriously need to do a bit of penance for enjoying this latest drama story too much, but Philippe had all of that coming to him and probably then some.  Oh wait – Pamela slapped him rather hard across the face too after the kick in a place that’s very sensitive for guys; and then he had the added embarrassment of a lot of witnesses with smart phones in hand capturing the moment as he got served by a couple of girls.  Cassie and Michael were done with the dance after that, but they convinced their friends to stay – including Tim and Rowen – while they went home for the rest of the night – to Michael’s townhome.

That’s all of the drama news I have for them because Cassie, Michael, Rowen, and Tim stayed home today – except for going to church this morning.  They had a quiet day that was all about resting up while they could; and that was partly because of the problems on Saturday and also because they’ll need to get into mid-term exams prep mode now.  It’s hard to believe that we’re already getting close to the half-way mark of this semester, but that also means that we’re getting close to March Break; so that’s something awesome to look forward to next month – though we’d like it better if Cassie and Michael had the same week off that we get this year.

That’s something to write about in a few weeks, though, so I’ll wrap up my side of this update now too; and get some sleep.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!