Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Cassie's Journal - September 20, 2017

Mom’s in the city having a five-star sleepover with Dad tonight; and we’re having a girls’ night here at home.  Ethan is at Aiden’s house so we can do that; Ehlana has Naomi with her; and Rowen’s here with me.  We’ve had a movie and makeover adventure; a lot of girl chat fun; and Ehlana and Naomi are camping in the lounge tonight while Rowen is in my room with Mandy and me.

Before I get to the rest of my report; this next part may or may not be available to you; depending on when you’re reading this in the future.  If all you see is stars and the rest of my ‘normal’ update; check back again in a decade or ten and that’ll likely have changed for you! ;^)


It’s been a while since my last restricted journal entry, but since Rowen and I are having a girls’ night; I thought that I should include an update related to that last one about Rowen and Tim.

There are some teen-friendship implications that go along with having friends move on to that next level of intimacy.  I know this will be a shocking revelation, but apparently, once you’ve crossed that line; you want to keep sharing that kind of intimacy with your significant other!

I know – who’d have ever guessed? ;^)

My point, though, is that Rowen and Tim need to make time for that and work it into their busy schedules.  Add in one other factor – the all-important menstrual cycle; and it can get weird for both the guy and girl – even when they’re Magi.  sure, I still help Rowen with that now and then when she needs me to do that – the menstrual thing – not the intimacy with Tim; but it does have a more-serious impact than it does for teens that haven’t ‘crossed over’ to that next level.

Rowen and I talked about all of that tonight – after Ehlana and Naomi were sleeping, and while she’s working that out with Tim; I’ll admit here that I’m glad that Michael and I don’t have that added stress – and I mean that in several ways.  The biological risks are obvious; as is the stress that goes along with wanting to do something but having lack of opportunity for that kind of play time.  We can joke about it, but I really don’t think that Rowen and Tim would like getting caught doing anything they shouldn’t at the computer store, school, or anywhere else!

For Magi, though, there are the added stresses that go along with controlling your talents while in an elevated physical and mental state.  I could be more blunt about that here, but won’t; and this isn’t an issue that’s only a problem for young, intimate couples.  Rowen’s fall down the stairs when we found out about each other and the stress on Tim’s Mom when Lee had his accident are two good examples.  Inadvertent use of our abilities has happened with Magi couples in Witch Falls before; and it is an issue for the teens that haven’t found out about each other yet – or if their talents are inadvertently revealed to a non-Magi.

Without getting into details that might gross out the guys reading this one day in my distant future; those risks are higher for the girls while at certain stages of their menstrual cycle.

Let the usual jokes begin all you want; but I’d also advise that you don’t use any of them on a Magi woman going through one of those, um, periods.  They don’t need to physically pick up things to throw them at you! ;^)

On a side note, I wonder if Tim’s father takes that into consideration ever since he saw his wife throw a combine across the shop floor?

That’s gotten a bit off-track, but then I guess that’s pretty much all I have on this for now.  As before, I’ll leave it up to Rowen and Tim to decide when they’ll feel comfortable with releasing these bits of my journal for anyone with access to the archives to read; but I don’t expect that to happen for quite a while.  I know it will be a bit weird, but this is something that we don’t write about in the archives; and something that we should all understand better and learn to discuss and deal with more openly – particularly with our teens and tweens.

I’m personally wrapping this up with a mental picture of a Magi sex education class at the school, but I need to finish my update and get some sleep; so I’ll try not to have too much fun with that!

Okay, that was fun; but let’s get on with the news of the day!

Tai Chi by the river was great; Michael stayed for breakfast; and then we eventually had a great day at school while Mom packed up and headed for the city by mid-morning.  Rowen and I had cheerleading practice at lunchtime; she worked after school; and I came home with Ethan, Ehlana, Naomi, and Aiden and took care of them for the rest of the afternoon.  It was cloudy and there was a threat of rain or thunderstorms this afternoon, but we dodged them; and went for a bike ride and some play time at the park.  Ehlana, Naomi, and I eventually dropped Ethan and Aiden off with his parents at the bakery; we picked up treats while we were there; and then came home and cooked dinner for four.  Rowen joined us shortly after the computer store closed for the night; and we had our meal in the sunroom.  We cleaned up; went for another bike ride; and then we did our homework in the office before heading up to the lounge for the movie and makeover fun.

I didn’t get to use my after-school time for work; which is why I am up so late now; and couldn’t even get started on my family business work and language studies until after we tucked Ehlana and Naomi in for the night.  Rowen kept me company for quite a while until she was talked out; and now she’s happily sleeping while cuddled up with Mandy.  We need to do these girls’ nights more often.  My cat really misses having sleepovers with Rowen!

I’m simply going to miss the sleep that I won’t be having tonight, but before I get to that nap; let’s add in a few bits of news that should be mentioned – though they don’t affect me at all.

Mom and Dad are having their sleepover in Crystal Springs, and I don’t need any details for what they might be doing all night; but I will mention that they went out to dinner with the Malloys.  Mom hasn’t seen them much this summer, so that’s nice for them; and they especially love getting to see the kids whenever they can.  That’s a new change at our end now that Ethan and Ehlana are in school full time, but maybe the Malloys can come visit us for a weekend or something this fall.  I’d like to see all of them too; but getting away to do that at their house just likely isn’t going to be an option at least until sometime after football season.

Here at home, Michael and Tim couldn’t come to our girls’ night, but then they were busy with football; Michael worked dinner-to-close; and Tim ended up working for a few hours after football too – going out on a service call with his Uncle Lee.  I don’t think about that very much, but we are well-into harvest season now; and the farm kids are all very busy with that whenever they aren’t at school or the few team practices they’re allowed to do during the fall.

Yes, football is a valid excuse to be away from the farm work!

That is a part of daily life for a lot of my classmates and friends, though; and that’s true for all of the teens working in stores or for other businesses that support our farmers.  Even Rowen’s parents have extra work that goes along with harvest season.  Most farms are becoming high tech around here; and farmers can’t afford to have their computer systems go down at all.  That might sound weird to anyone that doesn’t know much about farming, but it is true; and our farmers are blessed to have Owen taking care of them; since he truly is a gifted computer technician.  Mom loves her friends and would do anything for them, but I can also assure you that she wouldn’t let him build her own computers if he wasn’t good-enough to do the job as well or better than anyone else out there.

I must be tired; since that went way off from where I wanted to go with the comments about Michael and Tim.  Michael worked to close; was on his own for his homework; and probably went to bed early.  It would have been nice to spend some time with him too, but our girls’ nights really have been a bit too rare lately; so I don’t feel too bad about that.

We’ll also have the chance for some alone time tomorrow while Mom’s busy trying to earn another game night championship with Miranda; so that’s something to look forward to as well.

Rowen and Tim don’t go to game night very often anymore either.  I wonder why – not!

Now I really need to wrap this up and get started on my nap – if I can manage to sleep at all now that I’m looking forward to some Michael and me alone time!  I don’t want to get there and just fall asleep on him, though, so that’s it; and I am out of here and off to nap mode next.

Until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!