Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cassie's Journal - December 27, 2013

I was on the housework clean-up crew of three this morning, and helped out at lunch and dinnertime too; but the rest of my day has pretty much been all play and fun time with my friends, brother, sister, and cousins.

The family news of the day is probably the addition of Michelle McEwan’s college boyfriend to the weekend guest list.  Neil Ryan is a classmate of Michelle’s and wants to be a future teacher too; though he wants to teach computers and Phys-Ed while she’s focused on maths and sciences.  They’ve been dating for a while now, and the decision to do family Christmases together was a big step for them – especially since that meant even more travel time for both of them to make that happen with both her family and his.  Jonathan got teased about being next now that all of his sisters have serious boyfriends or a fiancĂ©e in Tory’s case, but he’s growing up fast too; and doesn’t get embarrassed by those jokes or comments anymore.

While I’m thinking about the McEwans, Tory and Kyle are now just about six months away from their big wedding day; and that was one of the top chat stories of the day too – along with babies; boyfriends; college; and Christmas recaps.  Mom, Dad, Ethan, Ehlana, and I won’t be going to it; but it was fun hearing about some of their plans for the big day.  Since they’re getting married the day before Ethan and Ehlana’s third birthday, it’ll be an easy date to remember – even without a photographic memory.

Getting back to the events of the day, we started our morning with Tai Chi after some of us took two days off from that; and Michael and I went to his house to have breakfast with his grandparents before they packed up and left for home.  He and Rebecca helped them with that, but I only stayed until the kitchen was cleaned up before going home again to help with the housework.  Mom and I cheated a bit with that work while Dad was dealing with his one appointment of the day; and mixed that with a little Magi lesson for Ethan and Ehlana.

The first members of our collective families to make it home for the weekend were here in time for lunch; though we didn’t have any of our weekend guests at our house until mid-afternoon.  Tory, Michelle, and their guys brought Jonathan, Kara, Eddie, and Nicole with them while their collective parents were mostly working half or full days before making the drive to Witch Falls.  Uncle Blaine had some work to do this morning the same as Dad did, but they were still on the road by mid-morning; and at Uncle Mark and Aunt Grace’s house before Violet’s family got to our house.

As I mentioned, I was on kid control for most of the day, and that started with having Kara, Eddie, and Nicole come over to play with Ethan, Ehlana, and me while their cousins were busy unpacking cars and hauling luggage and boxes of gifts up to bedrooms after having lunch with Aunt Leanne.  We played outside and went sledding for a while once I had some support from Michael, Rowen, and Tim while Michael was on an extended afternoon break.  Jaimie, Kaitlyn, and Jayden were home in time to catch the tail end of the tobogganing; and Blaine dropped them off with us so they could do that while he and Aunt Alison were busy with their round of arrival work.

Our house was afternoon break central, and after having hot chocolate and Olde Bakery treats; we played video games in the lounge - or some of us did.  Chris and Martin went to hang out with Jonathan and play video games with him at Uncle Adam and Aunt Leanne’s – along with Kyle, Neil, and Josiah when they weren’t busy with their girls.  Dawn joined Rowen and me on the junior babysitting crew; and the three of us were kept especially busy once Michael and Tim left when Michael needed to be back at the Inn to help with the dinner rush.

We didn’t try to get everyone together for dinner tonight, so we only added Grandma and Grandpa to our dinner guest list along with the Rice family and Rowen.  Mom used up some of the pre-cooked food; so making dinner wasn’t really much work.  Rowen, Dawn, and I were actually glad to be on the clean-up crew for a change from the non-stop kid action; though we’d had fun this afternoon – and did again all evening while playing with our family.

Just consider yourself unofficially adopted for weekends like this, Rowen – you are family to me!

We’ve had a movie night after dinner, and though we spent some time with the parents and grandparents too; they watched movies in the living room while the kid-rated movies were going on in the lounge.  Jaimie, Kaitlyn, and Jayden were at Uncle Mark and Aunt Grace’s for dinner; but they all stopped in for visits after dinner, and Jayden stayed for a sleepover with Ethan.  Dawn and I might end up having Jaimie and Kaitlyn with us tomorrow night, though they also want to spend as much time with their aunt as possible too; so they may change their minds about wanting to do that with us by tomorrow night.

Michael and Tim came over again for a while after Michael was done at the Inn for the night.  They were in time to catch the end of the toddler-rated movie we were watching in the lounge; did the bedtime snack with us before Ethan, Ehlana, and Jayden were put to bed; and we had a little football and chat intermission with the remaining adults, Violet, and Dillon before coming up to the lounge again for another movie before they headed out at the same time that Dillon left for home.

Violet joined Dawn, Rowen, and me for some girl chat time when the parents and grandparents were ready to go to bed; and Dawn ended up being Violet’s cuddle buddy instead of spending the night in her own room or the lounge.  Rowen and I have been surfing the net and having our own extended chat time since Violet and Dawn moved next door.  We’re both pretty much ready to sleep now, and I guess that’s about all of the news I have for today; so it’s time to put our computers away and head off to sleep.  If today is any indication of what’s ahead for the rest of the weekend; we’re going to need all the rest we can get to keep up with the ongoing holiday action.

Live long and prosper, fellow Magi of the Light!