Ehlana and Ethan:
I’m writing this additional update for our Journal
because there’s no need for Ethan and I to duplicate it – and he’s here and
sitting on my bed with me before we try to go back to sleep. We’re restricting the access to this
information for an unspecified period of time that we’ll work out later – once we
get all of the details about what’s happened with Cassie and her friends.
What we do know now – and what woke us up;
is that Cassie had some trouble tonight at the college. It involved using her Magi talents for
something that we – including Mom – couldn’t determine because she is a long
way away and would have been behind wards too.
We could all sense the anger, though, and knew when she acted to
physically defend herself and her friends.
Without a telepathic link, we can’t know more than that, but we also
knew when the danger was over and she was able to get herself and her friends
away from the danger to them.
Mom has sent messages to Cassie, but she
hasn’t responded yet. We can sense that
she’s focused on her friends; and that she’s likely back at the townhouses
again; since her location has changed enough that we can detect the difference
from here. That isn’t something we can
pinpoint with accuracy at distance either, but that’s our best guess from what
we sense from Cassie. We also don’t yet
know who was involved, but since Cassie’s anger wasn’t from being mad about
something that was done to her; and we didn’t get any foresight of her being
directly in danger; we’re certain about the fact that she was protecting
friends – and probably girlfriends; since we knew that she was going to be out
with Michael, Rowen, and Tim with some of their new college friends all day
between a morning study session, afternoon football game watching, and evening
party at one of the residential halls.
We’ll have more on this with the next
report once we do get the rest of the story, but decided to add this extra
report because we think that it’s noteworthy that we woke up because of what
was going on with Cassie even from this distance, and while we know that things
like this have happened to Mom and Cassie in the past, that has pretty much
always been because of Magi-related or extreme danger. Sure, Cassie’s really mad about what happened
tonight, but she wasn’t personally in danger – which meant that nobody she
cared about was either; since she’s more than capable of defending a lot of
people should she choose to do that; yet it was still enough to affect us here.
I’ll likely study that a bit when I
can. It would be interesting to know if
that happened because of our empathy and connection to Cassie; or if she ‘pushed’
that wake-up call onto us – either consciously or not. We should also know whether that spike in our
connection can be noticed by others; though I don’t think that could
happen. This isn’t an overt use of Magi
power even compared to telepathy or pushing our use of empathy. Ethan should likely look into the archives
too, just in case there is something that we just don’t know to look for with
this, but then I’d also expect that Dark Magi would never even consider the
idea of links between Magi like we have with Mom, Dad, and Cassie – or the
other bindings that they’ve had happen through extreme situations – like the
plane crash that bonded Mom and Cassie with Dad, Aunt Leanne, Grandma, and
Okay, that’s enough for now. We’ll have more with our next reports.
Ehlana and Ethan – out!