Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - August 20, 2018


Ehlana and I worked at the lab this morning; we had Naomi and Aiden with us after lunch to help while we worked on packing up our rooms on the second floor; and then they stayed for dinner before Aiden and I needed to go to our ball practice.  Ehlana and Naomi stayed home to supervise the first stage of the room move that Mom and Dad had help with from aunts, uncles, and friends; and then Aiden and I were there for the rest of that work once we got back from our practice.

Mom and Dad emptied Ehlana’s room and the room that will be Cassie’s new bedroom across the hall from mine and next to the exercise room.  Prep work was done to get ready for the painting that’s going to happen tomorrow and Wednesday; and then we cleaned up  - and some of us needed some tub time when we were done everything on the to-do list for tonight.  Dad’s doing his homework in the office now; Ehlana’s sleeping in the lounge tonight; and I’m in my new room again – though it’s a bit crowded with some of the extra furniture that’s being stored here while Ehlana’s and Cassie’s rooms are being worked on.

That’s the news from home for today, but the big family news is Cassie and Michael’s first day of college.  From what we’ve heard about that so far; they’ve had an exciting day – though I’m not excited to hear that my big sister is getting a bit too much attention from one or more of the guys in her classes.  It amazes me that even at college – where the best and brightest humans are supposed to be found; the Neanderthal gene is still alive and well in a certain portion of the male population there!

Rebecca, Jen, and other collegians we’ve known have had the same problem, but that’s very different when it’s your own sister telling you those stories – and dealing with those issues.  I’m not worried for Cassie – she can take care of herself just fine.  It’s just too bad that girls have to deal with problems like that at all.

I’m not going to rant on about that; so let’s just wrap this up and I’ll get some sleep.  Ehlana and I won’t be doing the painting around here, but we will be helping out; so I want to be ready for that – especially if that means that I’ll be running errands up and down the stairs a lot as part of my ‘job’ as gopher for the painters.

Ethan – out!


The official move is on as of today.  My new room is empty; the floors are covered with drop cloths; and the walls are prepped for the painting that we’ll be starting tomorrow.  I suppose that sounds boring to most people reading this journal – or too much work for the parents that have been there and know that first-hand; but I’m still really exited; and I’m going to love my room as much as Cassie loved it when she first moved into it after Mom and Dad got married.

Speaking of Cassie; she’s had an amazing first day at college; and I wish that I could have been there to share the experiences – though that might have been very different for her if she’d had a seven-year-old sidekick with her today.  Then again, maybe I’d have saved her from getting some of the attention she didn’t want to have today, but I doubt she’d really want to take that trade; and Mom and Dad aren’t ready to have all of their kids go off to college quite yet anyway.  I am glad that Cassie can finally start to let her light shine, and that she’s making new friends with her same love of languages; so I’m sure she’ll have an amazing year!

Ethan and I might not have quite as much fun as Cassie this week, but then we won’t have classes to attend all day and then studying to do all night; so the fun we will have will be of the play variety – even when we’re helping out with the painting and the rest of the work that’ll go into our new rooms.  We’re going to be busy too, though, so I should wrap this up and get some sleep so that I’ll be ready for both the work and the play time.  I’m camping in the lounge for the next few nights, and then I’ll be in Woodvale this weekend, but by the time I get home on Sunday; my new rooms will be ready for me to stay in – and Ethan will be in his room with his own furniture and worldly possessions too.

Stayed tuned – this is going to be a really amazing week!

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!