Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 22, 2018


I am going to leave the top gossip story of the day for Ehlana and others to report on because I’m a seven-year-old guy; and will try to ignore the implications for that incident when it relates to the hotness of my mother and older sister!

Moving along, I met up with Aiden for Tai Chi by the river this morning; we did that workout in the yard behind Violet and Dillon’s apartment building; and had a dozen spectators from some of those apartments – including my cousins.  Jayden and I had breakfast with Violet and Dillon after that; we went to church; and then we headed for Quarry Lake with the major gang going out there with our families – and with quite a few friends too.  We had a blast with the picnic lunch, swimming, slides, and everything else we did through until it was time to come home and get ready for the late buffet.  I spent most of that time with Ehlana, Naomi, Jayden, Aiden, and a few other friends; with a lot of cameo moments with our favorite adults and teens along the way.

I am also not going to write about how popular any of my cousins are with the local teens or kids their ages – and I even mean that for Jayden too.  It’s really a bit scary to see any of my friends interested in him that way; so it may get really weird by the time we’re tweens and teens too – just as it already is for us with Jaimie and Kaitlyn.

Moving along again, the buffet dinner at the Inn was as amazing as always – and more-fun to share with our cousins and the rest of our families.  That was a last hour-and-a-half of food and fun; and then we only had Jaimie, Kaitlyn, and Jayden with us at home for long-enough to re-pack overnight bags and head for their sleepover destinations.  Mom and Dad had some homework and chores to do after that, so Ehlana and I got cleaned up and ready for bed – after Mom did a Magi lesson with us; and now I’m ready to catch up on the sleep that I didn’t get last night.  We’ve now had an amazing weekend with our cousins, and since the fun is going to keep coming; I’ll be glad for a rest night while I can get one.

Ethan – out!


I loved getting to have a quiet start to my day with Mom, Dad, Cassie, and Michael.  A quiet breakfast was nice too; and then we were on the go and it doesn’t feel as though we’ve stopped until now.  The church service was more-fun with our cousins; and that was true for the rest of the day too.  The main entertainment for our families and friends was the trip to Quarry Lake, and while our picnic and play time there was really awesome; it’s Michael’s little ‘mistake’ that has offered the most entertainment for a lot of friends around here since that innocent, cameo, remember-forever moment.

The funny thing about it is that most people anywhere else wouldn’t think it was a big deal at all – though I’d disagree with them.  I won’t drag out the drama – Michael mistook Mom for Cassie after helping out with the picnic clean-up – because Mom was with Ethan and me while Cassie was with Dad at that particular moment doing something else; he put an arm around Mom for a rather enthusiastic hug; and then realized that he wasn’t hugging Cassie.  The embarrassment and blushing was fun to watch, and I don’t have a problem with being glad that Mom is still that hot-looking in a bikini because that will be good for my own future; but let’s not discuss the fact that Michael agrees that Mom is as hot as his girlfriend.  Since I was there, though, I’ll just be glad that we were in a very public place – and that he hadn’t tried to do anything more-serious than a hug! ;^)

I can report that Michael, Cassie, Mom, and Dad have been teased a lot since then.  The highlights for those jokes include Cassie and Mom each getting ‘mistakenly’ hugged or mixed up; Mom was checked for identification – twice – before being allowed to have a glass of wine with dinner; Dad apparently married a child-bride despite the fact that Ethan and I are seven; and Michael has been teased about everything from getting his eyes tested to the kinds of jokes that I won’t comment on here from some of the other guys – including his brother and father.

Getting back to our play day at Quarry Lake, we managed to have a lot of fun with the playing and swimming too.  Ethan and I played with Jayden and our best friends as much as we could; and had a blast together whether swimming or climbing the rock wall and going for rides on the zip line.  We came home in time to get cleaned up for dinner at the Inn; we were there for the late buffet so the store-owner family and friends could join us for that meal after closing their stores for the day; and Ethan, Jayden, and I were again with the kids for that meal – as usual.  We’re home now; our cousins have moved on to their designated sleepover houses after stopping in to re-pack overnight bags; and Mom did a Magi lesson with us before Ethan and I came upstairs to have baths and get ready for bed.

We have an open play day booked for tomorrow, but while that might not sound as exciting as trail rides or trips to Quarry Lake; I’m sure we’ll have a blast with our cousins and friends.  Whatever we end up doing tomorrow, I want to rest up and be ready for it; so that’s all the news for tonight.  Stay tuned; since more hometown holiday fun with our cousins news will be coming; and we still have six full days of summertime adventures to share with them before they’ll be heading home next Sunday!

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!