Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Ethan's and Ehlana's Journals - July 14, 2018


We’re having a work weekend, and while Ehlana and I had some play time too; we helped Mom and Dad with chores after Ehlana’s ball game; worked at the lab and archives for a while this afternoon when we had issues around here with rain and thunderstorms in the area that got in the way of playing outdoors anyway; and then we added in a bit of fun with our friends for a while before and after dinner.

Dad’s still busy with the week-in-the-city prep work tonight; so Ehlana and I did another early bedtime that included tub time; I’ve done some extra reading in the digital library; and now it’s time to get some sleep.  That’s a bit boring-sounding for a summer Saturday, but we’re seven; and not every day can be non-stop fun and games – just most of them!  Tomorrow is likely to be more of the same, but whatever happens; I’ll be rested up and ready for having as much fun with the work or play – and we will have a good day; since we’ll get to spend that time with the people we love most.

That was a bit mushy; so don’t tell the guys about that comment if you read it before I’m old-enough that it won’t be a hit to my reputation – and I obviously need that sleep right now; so that’s it for tonight!

Ethan – out!


I think that my news for the day will be a little commentary about being a Magi Master kid and one of the tougher issues that we have to deal with to play ‘normal’ in our community.

Yes, we’re going to talk baseball!

I know, that shouldn’t be an issue for a Magi Master at all with everything that is far more-important for us, but I’m seven; and Magi Masters are human too!

My issue tonight is that it is really tough to act like a normal kid when it comes to things like intentionally losing or holding back to keep from showing off my true abilities.  Today, doing that meant losing our ball game; and that wasn’t fun for Naomi and me when we know that we could have won if we could play our best.  I’m not commenting on how well or poorly our team mates played.  My point is that it wouldn’t matter even in a game like baseball.

I’m not sure why this is a personal issue for me right now, since I obviously understand the ‘why’ for what we’re doing – and being that cautious is necessary for all Magi of the Light; but I still feel this way and wish that I didn’t have to pretend to be less than I am.  This isn’t a new issue for Magi either, since we all go through this – and likely have moments that bug us like this more-often than would ever be mentioned in Magi journals.  that’s actually one of the reasons that I’ writing this tonight – because it is an issue that I deal with – and can’t ever make a mistake over; or intentionally ignore the rules about while we’re protecting not just ourselves but all Magi of the Light.

That being said; I can’t be the only Magi Master that wishes I could go out there and throw a no-hitter, bat a thousand with nothing but home runs in every at-bat; and have a perfect record on defense!

Oh – and I’d be okay with getting to do cool things with my Magi talents more-openly too.  I don’t want to run around showing off; but it would be nice to do a bit more than the occasional Magi-powered house cleaning and our lessons.

Okay, Ethan and I did get to help with healing Miles; and we get to use our talents at the lab and archives; but that isn’t quite the same and picking up combines and tossing them around!

Grown-ups get to have all of the fun! ;^)

I guess that’s enough of that; so let’s move on.

We had a good morning here at home with Tai Chi and breakfast.  Naomi and I had fun with the Pixies – except for the part where the Old Mill Mystics won the game twelve-to-ten; and the ice cream treats at the Emporium were good too.  Ethan and I helped out with chores at home after that while Cassie went on to the Inn for a full shift there that included the lunch and dinner-to-close hours with an afternoon break in the middle that usually doesn’t end up being very long for them on busy weekends.  We had a late lunch, Ethan and I went over to the lab and worked there while we had some rain and thunderstorms in the area; and then we had some play time with our friends until about an hour and a half ago with a short break for an easy-dinner at home with Mom and Dad.

I had a soak in Cassie’s Jacuzzi after that while Ethan used the tub in ‘our’ bathroom; and I’ve done some research since saying goodnight to Mom and Dad while they’re working late in the office.  Now I’m ready to get some rest; that’s all of the news; and I’m out of here and will soon be off to dreamland for the rest of the night.

This is Ehlana Proctor; coming to you live from what is now my past!