Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cassie's Journal - November 21, 2015

Okay, we might be slightly crazy to go outside for Tai Chi on a morning when the temperature hovered around freezing, but the majority of us aren’t ready to move indoors yet; so we bundled up and braved the cold to enjoy the fresh air instead of exercising indoors.

The highlight of my morning was breakfast in the sunroom with special guests Violet and Dillon.  Michael stayed too; and we had a nice long chat while enjoying a full country breakfast.  It was time to get to work after that, and while we also took turns getting ready for the day; I spent a lot of my day helping out in the kitchen.  I worked in all of my chores during the day too; but it was the cooking and baking that was the most fun – especially when we had visitors dropping by to either chat or help out with the work.

Aunt Leanne and Christina stopped in to do both for a while – and to visit with Violet.  Brianna came with them while Uncle Adam kept busy with Zack and Eli – the two boys spending some time together during the morning while Philip and Naomi got to have a bit of father-daughter time.  Getting to see Violet was the main reason for most of the visits, and she spent the entire morning with us; but then she and Dillon headed out after lunch to spend the rest of the day with his family and their friends.

My work day continued on until dinnertime, and then I was set free after we ate so that I could go over to Rowen’s house for the evening.  Tim was already there, but we had to wait for Michael to finish up at the Inn before he could join us; so Rowen and I talked while Tim and Patrick played video games.  Michael joined in for a while after he joined us; and then Patrick escaped the living room as soon as Rowen and I convinced our boyfriends that they really would rather cuddle with us and watch a movie or two instead of holding their game controllers.  We were glad to have the time together with just the four of us, but I won’t suggest that the movie was anything to write about; and we had more fun joking about the show than we had from watching it.

I’m not going to do any major football reporting tonight, but the guys did talk about it a bit; and they watched a couple of football update reports before and after the movie to keep up with the college games.  First up, Tim felt a bit better about our team’s loss last week after finding out that Hillcrest has advanced to the Championship match.  He’ll be even happier if they win that game over Clairmont; since that’d mean we were beaten by the Champions for this season.  On the college front, the only match I’ll mention is for Kyle’s team – and only to report that they lost.  While they aren’t likely to make it to a bowl game this year, they are getting better; and Kyle’s goal of a bowl game win while he’s at college could happen before he graduates.  If you’re interested in the rest of the college games today, feel free to check that out elsewhere.

I’ve had a long day, though; and it’s past-time for me to head off to sleep.

Wrapping this up, Michael and I stayed at Rowen’s until midnight; we came home to my house so that we could spend a bit of time alone for our goodnight hugs and kisses; and then he went on to his house while I came up to my room.  Ehlana was there and napping with Mandy; and she was still sleeping while I got ready for bed too.  By the time I was done in the bathroom, Violet and Dillon were getting home; and Violet stopped in for another bedtime chat that Ehlana woke for – though she was happy to cuddle with Violet and half-doze while we traded stories about what we’d each been doing since Violet and Dillon had left for his house after lunch.

Violet didn’t leave for her room until about ten minutes ago, but I only did a quick bedtime computer and email check; and now that I’ve covered the highlights from today, I’m ready to call it a night.  Tomorrow is mostly going to be a work at the Inn day for me, and I’m planning on working the lunch and dinner shifts; so I really do need all of the down time I can get.  Cuddling with Ehlana and Mandy will be more fun that working on my computer too; so, until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!