Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cassie's Journal - March 24, 2015

It definitely felt as though we were back to life as normal today after the post-holiday buzz at school yesterday.  The rain and cooler temperature wasn’t much fun for walking to and from school; but we were indoors for most of the rest of the day and the rain didn’t get in the way of our school work or practices.

There really wasn’t any news from school today, though band practice was fun because Michael, Rowen, and I spent some time talking about the possibility of a Florida trip with some of our band mates and friends before and after practice.  I know, the process hasn’t even started with the adults for doing that trip, and I don’t expect any real news about it for a while; but having the members of the band excited and on-board with the idea will help to convince the parents that it’s worth doing.

Having band and teen praise team practices makes for a very busy day, and Michael and I had to rush through dinner and our homework between the two practices.  That was at his house again because my family got to have us all last week; and then we had to hurry on to the church with Rebecca for our second-to-last practice for the Easter weekend services.  That’s mostly for the sunrise service, and Rebecca came along because we were doing a full practice for the Easter program; so most of the teens were there and involved – including Lucas, Tim, and Rowen.  Since this was our first time going through all of the music, skits, and the rest of the program; it took more than two hours to get through.  Easter is a week from Sunday, though, so we needed to spend the extra time doing that – and we’ll be doing a full dress rehearsal next Tuesday night.

That’s why I didn’t get started on my studies and work at home until a bit after ten o’clock.  Michael and I spent a little time saying goodnight to each other on his front porch in between the practice and me getting home; but that wasn’t a major delay – even though we were tempted to stay together for a minor make-out session.  We’re both missing that end-of-day fun that was an option all last week!  Instead of going there; let’s keep moving along with the report.

Mom, Dad, and the twins were all working in the office when I got home.  Ethan and Ehlana kept working on their college studies while Mom switched modes and did my Magi lesson with me; and then three out of five of us were sent up to bed for the night.  I took care of getting my brother and sister tucked in for the night on my way up to my room; and then got to work again as soon as I was changed and snuggled in bed with Mandy and my computer.  I went with the family business work first, followed by the archive assignment that Mom gave me for tonight; and made my language studies third on the schedule tonight in case I got too tired and needed to skip it.  That didn’t end up being a problem, and though I am getting tired now; I’m not exhausted or feeling run down.

I’m going to try and stay away from regular or nightly time-phases, but other Magi-powered work and study aids are an option; so I got a lot of work done in a bit less than three hours.  There isn’t anything exciting to mention from the work or studying.  It does feel really great getting back to my full schedule, and the only important fact with this is that the enforced break won’t be a big deal in my overall education plan.  That’s true for both my Magi training and language studies, and while most reading this would expect that the Magi training is most important; my language studies really are going to be just as important to my future.

That’s a topic for another night, and I need to wrap this up sooner instead of later; so let’s do that.

There wasn’t any news via email tonight, and while I did the full nightly computer checks including for Hathorne Industries before getting to this update; there isn’t anything particularly interesting to report there either.  Gwyneth may be blasting her way through her ‘public’, home-schooled education, but she didn’t go on any spring break trips with Gawain and Kellie; since they were both working all week.  We were glad of that; since our trip to Florida might not have been so much fun if the Hathornes had decided to spend a week at Disney and Universal while we were there too.

If you’re suddenly picturing a confrontation between the Magi of the Light and Dark in Diagon Alley; you’re not the only one. ;^)

Getting back on topic, I guess it’s more-correct to report that there wasn’t any major news from the Hathornes when it comes to Mom, me, or our family – or personally with Gwyneth.  There’s always news from around their company; and that’s usually all bad – even for those people working for them that believe they’re successful or have it made.  We do keep trying to do what we can when possible to counter the bad things they’re doing around the world, but there are too many times when we can’t help at all; and the victories we do have seem small by comparison to all of the bad the Hathornes are involved in.  I’m not saying that they’re involved in everything bad that happens in the world – just that they’re doing way more than their fair share.

Okay, that’s enough for tonight.  Tomorrow is an after-school work day, so I should be able to have a comparatively early bedtime; but it will still be a long, busy day.  If the rain moves out of the area tomorrow, the big story with the kids and teens around here will likely be the start of the work at the park for the new playground.  That would have been big news today if the work hadn’t been delayed by the rain.  Hopefully that will get going before the weekend; since the new playground is supposed to be in and ready to us by the end of May in time for the holiday weekend.  The park addition and trails will take a year and change to complete; but that should be ready for next summer – and some of it will be done and usable this year.

Now I really, really am finished, and I’m out of this digital world before I get side-tracked again; so, until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!