Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cassie's Journal - January 5, 2015

The top back to school story for today is probably the simple fact that our teachers had us jump right into our studies – and in particular; they have us getting ready for our first round of high school exams that are coming up in just two weeks.  Those abrupt reminders in every class quickly took the shine off of the shiny New Year for some teens, and getting lots of review homework dumped on us wasn’t very exciting; but I was still having a pretty good day.

Tai Chi this morning was fun, and since Michael opted to stay for breakfast; that was more entertaining too.  Mom, Ethan, and Ehlana spent a lot of their day at the lab while I was at school; and Dad was right back into the thick of it at work – especially because he’s going to have his trip to the city next week instead of trying to get everything done in four days after the Martin Luther King holiday for his normal third week of the month.  Though the work that the rest of my family was doing today was way more important than mine; I really am okay with playing normal teen instead and getting to have a life with my friends that I wouldn’t have if I’d sped up my ‘real’ education the way Mom did after her parents died.

I’m not talking about the classes or studying for that, though the school work is an inevitable part of teen life.  It’s the extra-curricular action that means the most to me – like the cameo moments between or during classes; lunchtime fun and entertainment; and everything else that goes into making school fun for us.  Of course the best part of my day didn’t start until after school; and Michael and I had a really good night at his house while spending the evening with his family.

We’re running out of holiday time with Jake and Stephanie, and since this was a day off for Jacob and Miranda; they’d spent the entire day together.  There’d been some chores to do mixed in with some play time, but the best part of that for Michael, Rebecca, and me was that Jacob and Jake had played in the kitchen too and had an amazing dinner for us that was beyond adequately describing in words so I won’t bother trying.  Rowen and Tim came home with Michael and me to do our homework; but then they moved on after that while Rebecca, Michael, and I were put to work setting the table and joining in on the pre-dinner entertainment in the kitchen.

I loved getting to spend the evening with Michael and his family, and we had a really good time; but the only news I have is wedding-related – and most of that is just updates that I haven’t covered in my journal because I’ve been out of the loop for those plans.  First up is the date – Saturday, August 1, 2015.  There were other options, but Jake and Stephanie picked the last open weekend before they planned on leaving for Europe so that they can enjoy a honeymoon before starting their foreign exchange study programs.  There was some consideration for holidays and work at the Inn too; but Miranda and Jacob – and Stuart and Samantha – would have worked with whatever their kids wanted.

Michael, Rebecca, and I were all asked to be in Jake and Stephanie’s wedding party tonight.  We were the last to be asked; and I was a bit surprised to be included – even though I’d expected that Rebecca and Michael would be.  Violet and Dillon are Stephanie’s and Jake’s maid of honor and best man; Lynn Jennings is the third bridesmaid; and Josiah Palmer and Mitch Bassett are going to be Jake’s groomsmen with Michael.  I feel a bit weird about this – especially when Lucas and Christina aren’t in the wedding party too, but it was Jake and Stephanie’s choice; and it is going to be awesome to be part of their wedding – and especially since I’ll get to do that with Rebecca and Michael.  We talked about their plans for an hour or so during and after dinner; but we spent most of our evening just enjoying being together and having a do-nothing kind of night.

I can’t say the same for after I got home.  Mom had spent part of her evening getting Ethan and Ehlana started on their junior year of college after they’d finished dinner; but she switched to Magi teaching mode once I was back and spent an hour and a half doing a big lesson with me and then giving me a fairly large archive assignment.  That’s why it was eleven-thirty by the time we had Ethan and Ehlana tucked in for the night and heading toward midnight before I was in bed and ready to start my usual school night studies, work, and computing.

It’s a good thing that I had that extra sleep last night because I’m not going to get more than a nap in tonight.  The archive assignment took an hour and a half; and then I got started on my new languages.  I’m going to be studying Korean and Tamil for the rest of this school year, and while I didn’t get much done tonight; I did at least get started.  That still took more than another hour; and then it was time to move on to my family business work.  Even kicking it up another notch or two on the Magi power scale; it still took me another hour and a half to get through the work I needed to do tonight – and that was just what absolutely couldn’t wait.  I’m not really behind on any deadlines or anything after taking most of two weeks and change off; but it is going to take most of this week to get back to where I normally am in my work schedule.

I really don’t have time for more than a nap now, so I should wrap this up and get to that.  We don’t have band practice tomorrow and our teen praise team gets the week off too, but Michael and I are still going to be busy; and I’m sure to have another late night without much down time.  Maybe I’ll have to reconsider using a time phase more often again – at least for the next few weeks while keeping up with my ‘real’ studies and work and the added busy that goes along with high school exams.  I want to spend extra time with Violet and Dillon before they head back to college too, and while I’m thinking about leaving home; Grandma and Grandpa will be leaving for South America next Monday.  I’ll need to spend some time with them as well before they’re away for most of the winter on that trip and then their usual winter getaway in Florida and elsewhere.

Too bad I can’t go along!

Oh well, I wouldn’t want to do that without Michael, Rowen, and Tim anyway, so I’ll stick with plan ‘A’ and stay here at home with them.  I’ll also wrap this up with that thought; and maybe spend my nap time dreaming of the warm and sunny that I won’t be enjoying with my grandparents in sunny South America – or anywhere else.

Until next time...

...May the Magi Force be with you!