Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** All of your favorite Magi Masters will be staying close to home as we head into summer! For Cassie and Michael, while their work will continue from home too, they will also be helping their best friends with getting ready for their wedding and moving into their new home - along with all of the other adventures ahead of them with family and friends! You will not want to miss out on all of the fun as life in Witch Falls heats up right along with the summer weather; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of their latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Cassie's Journal - December 27, 2014

I’m only taking a few minutes to check my email and do this journal update before getting back to the late-night hang-out in the lounge; so this is going to be another short report with a double-update to follow.

Family Christmas Day has been awesome, and while I helped out wherever Mom and Dad needed me; we’re having a lot of fun too.  The kids, parents and grandparents are all in bed now, but Violet and Dillon are staying here tonight; and Chris, Martin, Dawn, and I are still hanging out with them while we can – before the rest of Violet’s family heads home again tomorrow afternoon.

I need to get back to that, though, and you’re reading this someday in my future anyway; so just flip the digital page and get the full report there!

Until then, though; I’m out of here and back to the teen-time fun.

May the Magi Force be with you!