Heirs of the Magi News Flash!

***Heirs of the Magi News Flash!*** Happy 2025! We're going to have an amazing New Year in Witch Falls! Cassie and Michael will be busy with ongoing world travel and the rest of their work; our favorite Magi twins will be busy at home with family, friends, and the rest of their academic and work adventures; and many of the Witch Falls Magi will help with trying to make the rest of the world a better place too. With all of that to look forward to, it really is going to be an amazing year; so... ...Visit Witch Falls often to keep up with all of our latest stories; and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cassie's Journal - August 4, 2014

Happy 14th Birthday, Denise!

Have things ever changed in a year!  While we were celebrating Denise’s birthday today, this was also a significant day for Rowen for a different reason – it’s the one-year anniversary for Tim’s big break-up with Nora.  We certainly didn’t bring that up today around our friends – or even with Tim and Michael – but I’m sure that we weren’t the only two teens to remember one of the biggest teen drama stories of last summer.

Before I get into the news from Denise’s party, though; let’s do a quick review of the rest of the day.

Michael came over for Tai Chi; I had breakfast at his house; we went to the park for the football practice; and then I helped out with the chores at his house so that we could have the work done by lunchtime.  I had lunch there too, and then Michael and I met up with Rowen and Tim for a couple of hours of biking at the park before we needed to get ready for the party.  Since Denise is a farm girl, even having her party start at four was an early end for her day; though the work there didn’t completely stop until nearly dark – her father and the summer farm hands just worked around us.  Violet gave us a ride out to the Burroughs farm, and just in case any future readers don’t know this; yes, Denise and her family are distant relatives of the Pastors.  That’s actually going back quite a few generations to the common ancestors; so they’re not any closer to the ‘church’ Burroughs than anyone else in the congregation.

Denise’s party started out with a long social hour, but the guys were soon tossing a football around while the girls took care of the socializing.  It would be more honest to call what we were doing gossiping; and the changing social status of our friends was high on the list of chat topics.  Denise’s new relationship with Luke was an obvious favorite, but the other new couples got a lot of attention too.  Since Nora and Elliott were one of those new couples, there was zero risk of a repeat from last year with her; but it was awkward a couple of times to see her watching Tim and Rowen in a way that made it obvious that she was remembering what had happened last summer – and not in a fond way.

Elliott seemed to understand what was going on with her; and I think he did pretty well with both handling it and distracting Nora so that she didn’t dwell on her personal romantic history too much.  That didn’t get talked about among the girls either, but we had lots of other things to keep ourselves entertained with – including some frequent goofiness from the guys as a few of them were in ‘impress the girls’ mode today.  Rowen and I stayed away from playing football at the party, but we did play games, and since it was really hot out; going for regular swims in the pond was an option too.

One other major difference this year for Denise’s big day was that her party was on a weekday, and while that hadn’t really been clear before we got there; a late night event was not in the plans for parents who were used to getting up before dawn to get their work day started.  The barbeque dinner, birthday cake, gifts, and song were all pretty normal, and we followed that up with a couple of hours of play time; but then it was time for the party to break up at dusk.  While Denise would have liked to at least have added a campfire and hang out with all of us longer, it wasn’t all bad; since she did get to keep Luke for a while and spend some alone time with him after seeing the rest of us on our way.

My evening didn’t end that way, but Violet and Dillon picked us up; and then went for a swim with Michael, Tim, Rowen, and me once we got home.  Jake and Stephanie joined us for that too; and then they moved on with Violet and Dillon to hang out at Michael’s house for a while.  The meeting was still going on at my house, so Michael, Tim, and I went over to Rowen’s house with her and hung out on the front porch for a while before we collectively called it a night and Michael walked me home.

I know, it wasn’t that late yet, but we are biking out to the Norton’s farm in the morning; and we have a tentative plan to bike to Pinehurst after that.  Rowen’s started to tease Michael and Tim about them wanting to case their division football rivals with these trips; but all of those towns are the closest to us – which is why they are in our division.  I mostly just like getting to spend the day biking with my best friends and going places that I either haven’t been – or haven’t visited during nice weather.  Our plans are tentative because we’re going to wait to decide until morning when we check the latest forecast.

While Michael and I weren’t staying up late for some cuddle time, I’ve ended up being busy for quite a while since kissing him goodnight on my front porch.  I started with more goodnight hugs and kisses shortly after getting inside because the meeting was wrapping up and my aunts, uncles, and a couple of extra guests were heading home.  Then there was a bedtime snack and meeting recap with Mom, Dad, and the twins; and then I took care of getting my brother and sister to bed while Mom and Dad took care of some work in the office that they hadn’t been able to get to yet because of the meeting.  I also ended up doing some family business work after coming up to my room, and Violet and I had a little girl chat after she got home for the night and Dillon was actually home at his house for the night; but let’s start all of that with the meeting highlights.

First up would have to be the news that Uncle Mark and Aunt Grace are soon going to be getting some rather shocking news later this week.  I won’t get to be there for that; but it is going to be very interesting to see how they react – and hear about how the pre-natal training goes; since it is going to be a first with a non-Magi mother.  Yes, Ethan, Ehlana, and I know a bit about our collective future in this particular area; but we don’t know everything by any means, and there isn’t anything I want to add to my journal about it right now.

This is going to be fun, though!

I’m sure that you can guess that the lab was at the top of the list for Ethan and Ehlana, and they were very excited to tell me that everything is now nicely ahead of schedule; and the lab will be completely ready ahead of schedule.  Ehlana may even get to play there for nearly a full week before it officially opens the day after Labor Day.  There will still be much more work to do for the actual business, and employees will be added slowly over the next half-dozen years or so; but the important thing is that the labs will be fully functional; and Uncle Adam and Ehlana can start doing their work in earnest.  The migration of our entire Magi archive will kick up a few notches too, and Mom and Ethan will coordinate all of that work with Grandpa Grant, Grandma Eleanor, and any other volunteers who help out with that.

With even the finishing work pretty much finished at the lab, the construction work on the new medical center has picked up a gear or two, and while the wet spring had slowed things down; that project is close to being on-time again.  Mom expects the outer building to be closed in by Thanksgiving as planned; and that’ll give the construction workers something to do all winter.  There are other construction projects going on in the new section of town, but the only two I’ll mention here are the houses that the Byrds and Carters are building along the river.  The main reason I’m mentioning them is because they each have a daughter the same age as Ethan and Ehlana; so they’ll be classmates and friends – particularly with Ehlana and Naomi – so I expect to get to know them a lot better over the years as they all grow up together.

Outside of the family business, but part of the action around town is the work at the church and a new business that is going to be opened up late this fall.  The construction work going on at the church is mostly out of sight right now because they’re doing remodeling inside to get ready for the addition when they start building it next year.  Other work either has or will include preparing the ground where the addition will be going and moving utilities and pipes as needed – or running new lines for power, water, and gas.  I’m not exactly writing up a lot of information about that sort of thing in town, but if you have some future burning need to know how those things worked in our time; there are sources available in the archives now that Mom’s added for the history of Witch Falls section.  I’m sure that you can understand why things like water and septic tanks just aren’t all that interesting to any teen – even a Magi Master teen.

The new business coming to town is going to be a second-hand charity store, and we know this because Aunt Leanne will have the rental deal for it set up by the end of August.  The owners will start working on the place at the start of October; and expect to be open in time for Thanksgiving and the Christmas shopping season.  There’s some bank financing involved that our family business is backing; but that’s really our only involvement.  We do plan on making regular clothing donations too; so I’ll start that out by going through all of my clothes and getting some boxes ready once I’ve picked up my back-to-school wardrobe.

There were a lot of smaller issues that were dealt with at the meeting, but I won’t go over everything.  With college kids heading out to school again soon, plans for some of them were worked on; and so were plans for some high school seniors who might be interested in considering certain career and education goals.  There was a general review of the family business too; and that’s all pretty much good news as everything is continuing to improve in nearly every area – despite the seemingly unending global problems.

I’m skipping a lot of things, but will mention anything important as events happen.  It was heading toward midnight by the time I got up here to my room, and while I hadn’t planned on staying up too late, some business-related email needed to be taken care of; and that took over an hour to finish – with a break in the middle for my chat with Violet.  I’m glad that she stopped by, since I hadn’t gotten the weekend update yet after ending up at Michael’s house all morning.  They had a great weekend in Woodvale; though it was a bit of a whirlwind with three family meals and no real time for a visit with Violet’s best high school friends.  She really does try to keep in touch with them at least through phone calls, messages, and email; but choosing to be here does have some costs for her – and her best friends haven’t exactly been in a rush to come here and visit her – even though they do have an open invitation.

Violet only talked with me for about a half-hour, and then she was ready to get some sleep while I finished my work and the rest of my usual bedtime computing.  It’s heading toward two o’clock now, so I really need to finish this up and get some sleep if I plan on having enough steam for another long bike ride tomorrow.  We dodged one rain-day forecast so far, and I hope we do that again tomorrow; but I seriously doubt our luck will hold out all week.  One more day would be good, though; and I wouldn’t mind a rain day when we’re working on Wednesday anyway.

I’ll let you know if Mother Nature cooperates with that plan, but that’s it for tonight; so, until next time...

...Live long and prosper, fellow Magi of the Light!